
Adultery & Infidelity

A couple holding hands while looking in opposite directions, symbolizing emotional distance and efforts in avoiding an affair.

How to Avoid or End an Affair

Consider the following ways to avoid or end an extramarital affair and learn about the importance of knowing your spouse’s primary needs.

A husband and wife site on a couch. The man is looking over his shoulder at his wife, trying to hide his phone screen from her as she eyes him suspiciously. Here are some warning signs of an extramarital affair and the factors that can lead to them. Take steps today to guard your marriage.

Warning Signs of an Extramarital Affair

All marriages have struggles, but you and your spouse can avoid extramarital affairs by guarding your hearts and paying attention to warning signs.

A woman holds her wedding ring in shame, while her husband, slightly out of focus, sits on the other end of the room sadly holding his head in his hands. If you recently discovered your spouse has been unfaithful, I want to offer some guidance on how to recover from marriage infidelity.

Marital Infidelity: Recovery for Both Wounded Spouses

An affair can cause deep, emotional pain and turn your entire life upside down. Dr. Greg Smalley offers some advice to both spouses on how to repair their relationship after marital infidelity.

A woman looks at her wedding ring on one end of a couch, while a man holds his head dejected on the other end of the couch. Should you tell your wife about infidelity? Is it better to be honest and hurt your spouse and risk your marriage?

Infidelity — To Tell Or Not To Tell Your Spouse?

If you’ve been unfaithful in your marriage and you’re wondering what to do now, Dr. Greg Smalley explains 10 reasons to have a talk with your spouse.

A photo of a couple arm wrestling. Avoid too much competition in marriage. Your spouse is your teammate not your enemy.

Conflict in Marriage: Your Spouse Is Not the Enemy

Marriage is not a competition. Too much conflict in marriage does not create a safe or fun relationship.

Married couple speaking gently to each other

Recovering From an Affair

Whether you or your spouse recently confessed extramarital affair, we want to help you recover from the affair amid this overwhelming pain.

mom comforting her sad teenage girl after learning of her parent's divorce

How to Talk to Kids About Divorce and Marital Affairs

A marital affair can be devastating to a family. There is no one easy answer for talking to your kids, as every child and situation is different. If you are facing this situation in your family, here are seven tips for talking to your kids after any sort of marital crisis has occurred.

Marriage Conference Helps Couple Heal from Infidelity

Marriage conferences not only save marriages, they can help good relationships grow stronger. They made all the difference for this couple.

Focus on the Family Broadcast logo

Friendship or Flirtation? Danger Signs for Couples (Part 2 of 2)

As a young Christian, Dave Carder saw two pastors commit adultery, losing both their families and their ministries. He was determined to find out why people commit adultery and to help couples recognize “close call friendships” that could blossom into affairs. Pastor Carder provides over a dozen “red flags” that warn of inappropriate intimacy in …

Focus on the Family Broadcast logo

Friendship or Flirtation? Danger Signs for Couples (Part 1 of 2)

As a young Christian, Dave Carder saw two pastors commit adultery, losing both their families and their ministries. He was determined to find out why people commit adultery and to help couples recognize “close call friendships” that could blossom into affairs. Pastor Carder provides over a dozen “red flags” that warn of inappropriate intimacy in …

Asian woman crying on the phone

Encouraging Words for Someone Who Has Been Cheated On

Discovering infidelity in marriage can be devastating. How can you come alongside and encourage a friend who has been cheated on?

A man standing in front of a sliding glass door looking at his cell phone

Is Online Cheating Really Infidelity?

It’s just a TV show. Nothing that happens on “Real Housewives” is “real.” Right? Meghan King Edmonds seemed to think her husband’s problem was real. Real enough that it led to the couple’s separation. Edmonds announced via podcast she had separated from her husband, Jim, because of his online cheating. Meghan King Edmonds explained her …

Newlyweds holding hands

Breaking the Cycle of Broken Marriages

How can you build a successful marriage when your parents divorced and many of your family members and friends have terrible marriages? It starts with acknowledging that healthy marriages are possible.

Lies That Can Hinder Your Recovery From an Affair

When a couple is trying to recover from an affair, the Adversary wants to ruin the marriage. But if you know some of the common lies he tries to plant in your mind, you and your spouse can fight them.

Troubled young couple. She’s in the foreground looking contemplative, he’s standing in the background with his arms crossed.

How to Recognize Where Your Marriage Is Vulnerable to an Affair

Some telltale signs can help couples identify vulnerabilities to infidelity. Keeping these areas of susceptibility and their antidotes in mind could ward off a potential affair.

Marital Fidelity in a Social-Media World

For thousands of years, husbands and wives have been making bad decisions. But today, enticements often come with a new twist because of the anonymity and accessibility that come with social media.

A couple, symbolizing Ron and Opal Erickson, laughing together outdoors while playing a guitar, enjoying a lighthearted moment.

From Disharmony to Making Beautiful Music: Ron and Opal Erickson

Even with their marriage on the brink of divorce, God softened Ron’s and Opal’s hearts, giving them a hope that shone brightly enough to lead them on a path to restoration.

You Can Stop Adultery Before It Starts

“Almost before I knew what I was doing, I committed the sin of adultery. My first slight step seemed completely harmless. The next was more deliberate, an exercise in self-indulgence.”

Couple coping with the pain of infidelity in their marriage

Can a Marriage Survive After an Affair?

The number of marriages that will survive an affair — and go on to build an even stronger relationship afterward — is growing significantly. Although it’s not always possible, there is always hope.


In the face of infidelity, one man made a commitment to keep loving his wife, no matter how he felt or how she responded. This meant accepting her without judgment no matter how angry he felt.