When connecting with your newborn isn’t your natural response
Attachment & Bonding
Would you feel guilty if your spouse bonded more easily with your newborn than you did?
The process of how to adopt a baby can be overwhelming. There are decisions to make prayerfully, organizations to vet, and many perspectives to consider. It’s approaching a new chapter much like starting a marriage– with hearts wide open, support, and education to make a strong foundation for your family’s future. I am a birth …
Has your son recently discovered that his reaction to girls is changing? Sexual attraction is normal. Here’s how you can help your son make sense of what is happening and guide him to respond well.
This article explains the difference between bonding and attachment, how attachment relates to forming healthy relationships, and what parents can do to foster secure attachment for healthy growth and development.
One way that we create order out of our unknowns is by sorting things into categories. Humans seek to find the connections between seemingly unrelated items. While this may work for kitchen organization, it can fall very short when looking at children, behaviors, and relationships. We tend to build buckets where we put things we …
Marriage is a life-long relationship in which vows are made to your mate and to God, and therefore, never to be taken lightly. Be sure you really, truly know your fiancé before making that life-long commitment.
Most grandparents want to be an asset to their grandchildren — provide a listening ear, welcome heart and safe place for kids to emotionally land. But how does one do this?
A parent once asked, “Why is it that the minute our family is having a fun time together and things seem to be going well, is when our child melts down? It feels like it comes out of the blue. We have been doing so well, and then instantly we see all the bad behaviors …
I’ve heard that children placed for adoption can have attachment issues, even Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). I know what that is, but what questions do we need to ask the case worker to find out whether the child we’re considering adopting has an attachment disorder or not? Let me say right off, be encouraged because …