

Wife ponders whether she married the wrong man as he sleeps in background

Did I Marry the Wrong Person?

Marriage is not primarily about finding the right spouse. It’s about being the right person.

Image of older person leaning against younger person contemplating what hospice does not tell you.

What Does Hospice Not Tell You

What hospice won’t tell you about losing a loved one.

David Smallbone (played by his son, Joel Smallbone, in the Unsung Hero Movie,

For King + Country and Rebecca St. James Discuss Unsung Hero with Focus on the Family

As the Family Ministry Resource Partner of Unsung Hero, the For King & Country film opening in theaters nationwide April 26, we at Focus on the Family recently sat down with the band – brothers Luke and Joel Smallbone – and their big sister, Christian music artist Rebecca Saint James.

A mature, empty nest couple sit on a couch and look adoringly into each other's eyes.

Keeping a Full Marriage During Empty-Nest Years

With every major life change, couples have to re-invent their relationship. The empty-nest season can usher in emotionally charged situations and major lifestyle adjustments.

Ancient Roman Concrete and It’s Connection to Strong Marriages

Like a sturdy sea wall, marriages serve to protect against the churning tides of culture. But like Roman concrete, the very best marriages contain certain ingredients that make all the difference.

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Staying Connected With Your Child After Divorce

Lauren Reitsema experienced divorce first-hand when her parents separated after almost 20 years of marriage. Drawing from her own experience, Lauren will help parents and stepparents uncover common points of grief and loss for children after divorce. And, she’ll offer helpful advice for building a stronger blended family.

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Remembering What Brought You Together

Sometimes, it’s good to reflect on why you married your spouse. To help you do that, John and Erin discuss the benefits of remembering how you fell in love. Featuring Mrs. Melanie Shankle.

Build a Future

Commitment is a passionate decision to be with your spouse for a lifetime and to proactively build a future. A husband and wife must decide to love each other for a lifetime.