It is dangerous for you when you don’t choose to forgive others.
It would be wonderful if all grandparents lived near their grandchildren and had easy access to them, but in today’s world, that is rarely the case. If you are a long-distance grandparent, here are ten ways to stay connected.
True legacy consists not of what we leave behind, but of what we instill in others.
As grandparents, we have the unique opportunity to lead our grandchildren towards Jesus through our actions, thoughts, and example.
For grandparents, perhaps there has never been a better time to support and serve your children and grandchildren.
Grandparents sometimes have to provide safe and loving homes for grandchildren when their children, the parents of those little ones, are unable to do so.
If we don’t intentionally pass on a family legacy consistent with our beliefs and values, our culture will pass along its own.
These are a just a few ideas to help you take positive action when sharing your faith with your grandchildren.
As they develop into adults, what best gift ideas for teenagers go beyond the wrapping paper to encourage discovery of their unique identity?
Foster a strong relationship between your children and their grandparents by creating opportunities for them to interact
How my family fostered a deeper connection between our kids and their grandparents
Becoming a grandparent brings with it a new parenting style. Here are 5 tips to help you transition from being a parent to a grandparent.
Never before has passing on our heritage of faith been more important.
Speaking into our grandchildren’s lives through Scripture is a privilege.
Most grandparents want to be an asset to their grandchildren — provide a listening ear, welcome heart and safe place for kids to emotionally land. But how does one do this?
Larry McCall discusses seven steps to a paradigm shift to establish a grandparenting ministry in your local church.
By God’s grace, our families and our local churches will be strengthened for generations to come as we intentionally equip and mobilize grandparents for the glory of God.
We are instructed to teach our grandchildren what God has done in our lives. He has entrusted us with leaving a spiritual legacy for them.
When grandparents support their adult children in their new role as parents, a new bond is created and strengthened.
Speaking so your grandchildren will listen, is more about personality types than it is about the generation gap.