A fulfilling marriage does not drop from heaven into your lap. It becomes fulfilling when it’s tended like a beautiful garden.
Promises & Vows
Some vows can sabotage romantic love and hinder singles from making it the wedding altar.
A marriage vow is a special and powerful promise — and we need it for many reasons. If you’re living together but you’re not married yet, consider the power of the vow.
The Covenant is the fundamental tool that God has designed to order His relationship with mankind.
At any time between “I do” and “I don’t anymore,” our choices either deepen the relationship or deplete it, potentially damaging it. One key to successful marriage is making purposeful choices.
Every marriage has a mortal enemy, a mighty nemesis named selfishness. Dr. Greg Smalley offers insights on how to win the battle in your marriage without fighting each other.
We will all blow it sometimes. But if you really strive to limit your reckless words, you will create a climate that fosters openness and closeness in your marriage.