
Quality Time

smiling woman and man sitting on floor

Creating Intimacy and Friendship in Marriage

If you and your spouse are growing apart, you may have overlooked an important piece of the intimacy puzzle: friendship.

wife on the phone

Making TIME for Intimacy

Time, or lack of it, is the biggest enemy of intimacy. Americans are generally very busy people, and many of them say stress is negatively affecting their lives. Authors Dave and Claudia Arp, in their book No Time for Sex, recount a conversation with one of their psychologist friends who said, “If you don’t talk, …

A photo of Tony and Lauren Dungy smiling and facing the camera. They share share tips for building great teamwork in marriage.

Lauren and Tony Dungy: Keys to Great Teamwork in Marriage

Former NFL coach and his wife, Lauren, share their tips from 40 years of marriage of working together as teammates.

Imperfect Kids, Imperfect Parents

Sometimes we, as parents, need to let go of our expectations so we can embrace the ‘beautiful mess’ of family life.

Middle-aged couple on a date. The lean on a car in an open field. They have a picnic basket, blanket, and a small dog

Use Your Time Wisely When You Become Empty Nesters

Many options are open to couples whose kids have moved out. Here are some tips on how to use time wisely during the empty-nest years.


Beyond Date Night — An Annual Marriage Getaway

An annual marriage getaway? As in both of us leave town every single year? We have too much going on in our lives to commit to that! Many couples get stuck in the weeds of everyday life and find themselves drifting away from the feeling of romance and adventure they felt when they first married. …

Meaningful Time: Do What They Want to Do

A lot of us have limited time to spend with our family. That’s why it’s important to make the most of that time together.

Focus on the Family Broadcast logo

Taking a Health Journey With Your Spouse

Dave and Ashley Willis offer tips for you and your spouse to get healthy—mind, body, and spirit. With personal stories about Ashley’s journey through anxiety and depression and Dave’s health issues, you’ll see how your overall well-being affects your relationship.

How to Set a Good Example for your Kids

Although your children may make harmful decisions that affect their lives, you can support and guide them as they grow. We are called to show our children God’s way to live. In doing so, you can set a good example for your children that will impact the rest of their lives.

Focus on the Family Broadcast logo

Enjoying Mealtime as a Family

Ted Cunningham offers practical suggestions for making family mealtimes more meaningful in a discussion based on his book Come to the Family Table: Slowing Down to Enjoy Food, Each Other and Jesus.

Married couple about to kiss during a picnic

Learning to Love After a Challenging Season

Remembering the reasons we chose our spouse and focusing on the joy we can experience with them are good ways to start recovering from stressful seasons of life.

Perfect 10 Marriage

Perfect 10

Join the Perfect 10 Marriage Event from Focus on the Family! Saturday, October 10, 8:30 p.m. EST. Premieres on YouTube.

Mom and Daughter Spending Time Together

Kids Desire Our Presence, Not Our Perfection

Years from now, your kids won’t remember if you had all the dishes done or if you contributed to every bake sale. But they will remember the times you spent together and how it brought joy to their heart.

Bart Millard and Shannon Millard on MercyMe and Marriage

Bart Millard, lead singer of MercyMe, and his wife, Shannon Millard, discuss how they nurture their marriage, manage chores and raise a family amid the busyness of Bart’s demanding touring schedule with his band.

A Father’s Presence: One of the Most Powerful Expressions of Love

Joe Battaglia explains what it means to have a father present in the lives of teens.

School’s Out! Now What?

Summer survival tips for the single parent

A man and a woman lean into one another.

It’s About TIME: Building the CORE of Your Marriage

Busyness is the enemy of marriage. Restoring intimacy to marriage requires an intentional effort to spend time communicating openly and empathically with one another.

Son spitting water in Dad's face

Make Time to be Dad

No one is guaranteed tomorrow; invest in your children’s lives today.

Older husband looking distressed next to wife

Are We Falling Out of Love?

Sustaining the emotional excitement of romance can be difficult at best.