Tim and Katie Nester are currently parenting seven children. Their unique family challenges them to show steadfast love in action every day.
Family Relationships
Solid strategies for helicopter parents that can land the whirlybird while encourage their children’s growth and learning.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of settling into a routine of all the things we do for our kids, and assume we are parenting well.
When fathers choose to serve the Lord, live consistently and seize the opportunity to be present and involved with their children, they encourage identity and teach values.
After the holidays, do you ever feel not like your self or even depressed? Here are some ideas to help you get back to feeling like your normal self.
Learning how to manage Christmas after divorce can be overwhelming and devastating. Explore this story of overcoming divorce differences.
Are you looking for ideas to help keep your children focused on the reason for the Christmas season?
Walk through tough holiday times with your children to show them how to handle conflict between extended family.
Should I vote? American liberties are based on Christian principles. As Christians, we teach our children to be enthusiastic citizens.
Your job is now to pinpoint your teen’s interests and natural abilities to help your child grow in the direction that God made him or her.
It is dangerous for you when you don’t choose to forgive others.
If you’re a strong-willed woman, it can be tough to parent a younger version of yourself. But you also have a definite advantage… you know what it’s like to be a strong-willed child.
You can move forward after a rift with your adult children by learning new ways to build trust and respect between you and your child.
How does this parenting style really play out in practical ways?
Explore Jim Daly’s encouragement to fathers for Father’s Day 2022. Then, think about how your family can make the most of Father’s Day.
God’s Word clearly indicates that fathers bring power to the parenting relationship.
Help your teens discover their spiritual gifts as a means for helping them gain direction in their life.
A mother’s love needs to be given unconditionally to establish trust and a firm foundation of emotional intimacy in a child’s life.
Dolphin, Elephant, Free-range? Why settle for just one?
For Christian families, there’s an overwhelming importance upon understanding the roles of female and male. However, our culture emphasizes different aspects of these roles from Christianity. In the Christian context, the origin point for this conversation lies at the beginning: the creation of woman and man.