Finding truths for teachable moments come easier when a parent is in the habit of studying the Bible. If Bible reading is a daily or even a weekly practice, the Word of God is already on your mind and those truths are gathered much more quickly.
If you need to brush up on some of those long-forgotten verses, or are experiencing Bible study for the first time, two great places to glean practical wisdom quickly are the Gospels and Proverbs. The Sermon on the Mount is in Matthew 5-7; the book of Luke has some interesting parables with profound truths in chapters 10-21; and you’ll want to reread the passion story from John’s perspective starting with the Lord’s Supper in chapter 13 and ending at 21 If you read one chapter a day, in less than a month you can give yourself a refresher course on the life of Christ.
The Proverbs are also conveniently sectioned into bite-sized chunks, and there are 31 chapters. Reading one chapter a day will literally give you the wisdom of Solomon!
If you’re involved with the Bible and your kids, the two can easily come together when you use teachable moments to pass on the knowledge that you have learned from your own personal Bible study.
For a complimentary copy of the Gospel of John, visit
Adapted from The Power of Teachable Moments by Jim Weidmann and Marianne Hering, Copyright © 2004, Focus on the Family.