Witchcraft has been around a long time. But its promises are empty. Here is what you should know about Wicca.
It has been well-established for decades that there exists a dramatic connection between thriving, intact families and financial well-being for women and children. Here is a summary overview of the major academic contributions to this field of inquiry over the last few decades and their various findings.
Compared with off-spring from married, intact mother/father homes, children raised in same-sex homes are markedly more likely to…
For Focus on the Family, Millennials are the present generation moving (or not) into family life.
C.S. Lewis used several lines of reasoning to make the case for the Christian worldview. In the second part of his two-part article, Robert Velarde highlights two of Lewis’ key arguments, and explains the value of logic in defending the faith.
Contemporary critics sometimes claim that since the Bible contains so many miracles, it just can’t be true. Either these are just made up stories, they argue, or simple people were just tricked.
Before we can begin to restore our relationship with God, we need to understand that this relationship is broken to begin with and why that is the case.
Because goals are the map that will guide you toward your God-given purpose, without setting them you will also wander in circles without getting where you need to go.
There are plenty of reasons to study the Bible. Here is a list of eight of the main reasons why reading and studying the Bible is not wasted time.
“If everything has a cause, then who or what caused God?” While this question is often asked, it is inherently flawed. J.P. Moreland explains.