
How To Put a Stop to the Blame Game in Marriage

Two people, a man and a woman, are standing outdoors, facing each other with serious expressions, pointing fingers at each other as if they are engaging in a blame game.
Marriages only thrive as each spouse accepts responsibility for the impact of their own disappointments, fears and priorities on the relationship.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Jim and Irene sat at opposite ends of my couch, as far apart as possible. The tension between them so charged the room that I knew we were in for a rough ride even before this first session began. After some small talk, Irene dove right into the reason for their visit: “No matter what I do or how hard I try, it is never good enough for him. I’m sick of trying anything anymore.” Jim quickly retorted, “Funny, I feel the same way.” Sadly, Jim and Irene seemed to have only two things in common: Each believed their own negative behavior was a justified response to provocation by the other, and both expressed unhappiness with the marriage.

Jim and Irene each had important perspectives on their relationship, and what they described was actually a very common negative pattern of interaction. The details of that pattern are not nearly as important as the manner in which they described it to me, though. Irene explained in detail what Jim was doing wrong in the marriage, while Jim described with equal competence just how Irene was failing him.

In other words, Jim and Irene demonstrated mastery of the “blame game.” They were just getting warmed up with their finger-pointing when I interrupted as gently as possible while challenging them: “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your spouse’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?”

As Christians, Jim and Irene recognized this slightly altered version of Matthew 7:5. I let them know that our emphasis—if a marriage is to become what God intends it to be—should be to work on our individual planks while saving our partner’s sawdust for later.

The Blame Game and Plank Warfare

Jim and Irene’s situation is not unique. We all have planks that limit our ability to see another person and circumstance the way God sees them. Planks foster despair in situations where God could pronounce hope. Planks reflect obstacles where God offers opportunities. And where the Holy Spirit causes you to look within for change, planks make sure you continue blaming your spouse.

These planks are blinding. They hamper a couple’s ability to assess and take responsibility for their individual negative contributions to the deteriorating marriage, instead causing them to focus on their spouse’s annoying habits. These planks represent an accumulation of unmet needs and expectations. As these disappointments mount, the planks become more destructive.

The Making of a Plank

How large is the plank in your eye? That is probably a difficult or even painful question for you. We are all inclined to underestimate our own limitations while overestimating those of others.

With this in mind, here are five questions to help you be objective about the size of your plank. Each question, except the last one, is designed to point us to some of the family-of-origin issues that become the planks in our eyes in marriage. The last one simply assesses selfishness. As you respond honestly to these questions, ask the Holy Spirit to allow you to accept that plank at face value.

  • If Jesus offered immediate healing to your most troublesome personal flaw, which one would you choose?
  • What relationship in your childhood or teenage years caused you the most pain? What similarities are there between how you handled the conflict then and how you deal with it in your marriage right now?
  • What do you do when your spouse disappoints you?
  • Who or what informed your current expectations about what your husband or wife should be doing if he/she really loved you?
  • Last week, how much time did you spend praying for restoration and the well-being of your spouse?

Planks are stressors in your marriage. They are progressively destructive as a result of dysfunctional family patterns that you mimic from your family of origin, unrealistic expectations that you pick up from popular culture, latent fears that keep you in a defensive posture, sparse time in meaningful conversation, and unrepentant pride.

Removing Your Plank Will Stop the Blame Game

As Jim and Irene reflected on these questions over several sessions, their postures gradually changed. While several transformations occurred in the relationship, Jim captured it best. “We are shaving our planks,” he said humorously.

There are no gimmicky tricks or painless solutions to protect a marriage from these marital stressors. But you can have miracles if you pursue an unconditional commitment to place God’s will for your marriage as the point of focus.

We are all broken, and therefore, neither you nor your spouse is perfect. Husbands and wives will inevitably detect the specks of sawdust in one another’s eyes. We can honor God with an atmosphere of grace in marriage, which will allow Him to shape us into His image. But God can only transform your marriage as both partners shift their focus inwardly, putting an end to the blame game.

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