
Connecting with Family

build a relationship with your child - this mom is playing super hero dress up with her daughter

Build a Great Relationship With Your Child

It’s easy to fall into the trap of settling into a routine of all the things we do for our kids, and assume we are parenting well.

Mom helps child build confidence by teaching him how to do laundry. The image has a little boy and his mom kneeling on the floor talking laundry out of the dryer together

Chores Help Kids Be Successful In Life

Children build their self-confidence through learning small, real life skills.

The holidays can be filled with family and some conflict

Handling Holiday Conflict with Family

Walk through tough holiday times with your children to show them how to handle conflict between extended family.

Should I vote in the election?

Why Should I Vote?

Should I vote? American liberties are based on Christian principles. As Christians, we teach our children to be enthusiastic citizens.

long distance grandparenting

Long-Distance Grandparenting: Having an Impact Across the Miles

It would be wonderful if all grandparents lived near their grandchildren and had easy access to them, but in today’s world, that is rarely the case. If you are a long-distance grandparent, here are ten ways to stay connected.

family eating dinner together.

50 Questions to Ask Your Kids at the Dinner Table

Having conversations with our kids is critical for building a solid foundation of trust, demonstrating steadfast love, and teaching them how to grow as a young person. These 50 questions to ask your kids are a great starting point for conversations around the dinner table.

End-of-Life Signs

The signs that death is near can be hard to realize. That’s okay. There are many things you can do to be there for them and what to expect.

family praying together.

An Essential Guide to Effective Prayer for Family

Prayer is an essential skill, and your kids will learn it from you as you do it together. Nothing will communicate the why and the how of prayer to your kids like seeing you pray.

Helping your kids have a positive mindset

Helping Our Kids Grow and Keep a Positive Mindset

Today’s kids face new challenges and ask questions our kids didn’t have to two decades ago. But God has provided every answer and truth to help them have a positive mindset and turn adversity into an adventure.

Holy week and Easter activities for kids of all ages

New Ideas for a Christ-Centered Easter

Simple ways to celebrate Easter with your kids

6 year old girl and her mom eating ice cream

Building Family Identity

Families who nurture shared time, traditions and values create a sense of belonging that helps kids thrive.

family celebrating the new year

3 Ways to Keep the Best New Year’s Resolution for your Kids

Need a New Year’s resolution your kids can keep? This year, resolve to intentionally listen for God’s voice in Scripture and respond to Him.

Thanksgiving Activities for Families

Thanksgiving Activities for Families

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to stop and remind your family to be thankful. Though gratitude should be encouraged all year long, this holiday provides the perfect segway for families to implement a heart of thankfulness.

What is the disability rights movement?

Disability Rights Movement

Disability rights movement is a civil rights movement advocating for those with disabilities to have equal rights.

Mother hugging her daughter goodbye as her kid leaves home for the first time to college.

Stay Connected When Your Teen Leaves for College

An important parenting strategy is to maintain a connection to your teen, one that keeps her reassured of your love and interest in her life.

A biracial family runs towards the camera. The words "Transracial Adoption" are on top.

Transracial Adoption

While attending a pro-life conference earlier this year, I listened to a lecture on adopting children from a different race. The two presenters were talking about a term they called “transracial adoption.” To my surprise, much of the presentation consisted of the two white women explaining, to a predominantly white audience, why it was concerning …

Mom and teen daughter seated at a table having a serious talk

How to Talk to a Reluctant Teen

Six ideas for starting conversations with reluctant teens

Teen girl making peanut butter and jelly sandwich with annoyed look on her face. Mother in background of kitchen smiling offering to help. Four circle insets of teens: talking, using phone, walking in smiling, and arms raised with apron on

4 Tips To Stay Engaged With Your Teens

Here are a few shepherding tips that have helped me on this journey.

transition from parent to grandparent

5 Tips for Transitioning from Parent to Grandparent

Becoming a grandparent brings with it a new parenting style. Here are 5 tips to help you transition from being a parent to a grandparent.

family devotions

A Simple Way to Start Family Devotions

Simple, practical and fun ways to start—or start again—family devotions that the entire family will connect with.