Back in high school, I remember checking out a dystopian novel from the library and reading it cover to cover in a week. Books like The Hunger Games, Divergent, and The Giver spark curiosity about societies that mirror our own. Though each book has a unique plot, they all share the common theme of population …
Down Syndrome
In 2005, Shauna Amick was surprised to learn during her third pregnancy that her child would have Down Syndrome and a life-threatening heart defect. Shauna’s doctors immediately & repeatedly recommended termination, which she refused to do, relying upon pro-life verses she had learned from the Bible. In this episode, Shuana praises God for Sarah’s Down …
When parenting a child with special needs, it’s easy to fix your eyes on the next surgery, therapy, diet or appointment. But it’s often difficult to simply embrace and enjoy your child in the moment.
World Down Syndrome Day is notably important – discrimination through prenatal screening has been occurring at startling rates worldwide.
The inclusion of people with disabilities in our churches isn’t merely a pro-life issue. It is also a Biblical one.
If there was one vastly underestimated resident at The Manor, it was Will, the doctor with Down syndrome.
Ron and Genie’s third pregnancy was something of a surprise, and they chose to recognize it as a blessing. But then the concerns started piling up, including markers for Down syndrome and significant heart defects.
Trevor Hendershot has Down syndrome, along with a ready smile and boundless energy. Devoted sports fans go out of their way to say hello to him at games, and Trevor greets many stadium regulars by name. Even the team players know him, and his enthusiasm is contagious.
In announcing the winner of their annual baby photo search, Gerber has affirmed what millions of people already believe: Every child deserves to live.