Most couples in a second marriage could use some expert help right from the start. Counseling provides guidance and the kind of insight that’s often difficult to muster on your own.
First Years of Marriage
Holiday stress can turn couples away from each other, so plan now to avoid the stressors and be more connected this season.
Challenges, stress and painful trials are going to be part of your life together. The key to a thriving marriage is to learn how to manage the crises that are inevitable.
There are many things that newlyweds experience and one of them is disillusionment.
If you are preparing for marriage, we can’t emphasize enough (both from research and personal experience!) how important it is to have the support and encouragement of a veteran couple to walk alongside you. If you are looking for premarital counseling with a mentor couple, here are some common questions that you might find helpful! …
While I realize that Noah and I have plenty of mountains and valleys to travel in the years ahead, we’ve experienced growth and victories even in the start of our journey.
There are many principles that, if practiced, can help you build a solid marital foundation.
Without effort, time and attention, sex can easily and quickly become mundane and predictable and can even turn into a dreaded necessity to place on the ‘to-do’ list.
A thriving marriage only works when both husband and wife leave home and cleave to each other. They must be prepared to do so in various ways.
The fairytale wedding is over and the realities of married life are sinking in. Are you missing the “happily ever after?”