

Homeschooled girl on her first day of college. Smiling at the camera, with classmates in the background

Your Homeschooled Kids’ Keys to College: Record Keeping

Keeping professional records during your homeschooler’s high school years can help them gain admittance to college.

A mother and daughter high-fiving each other while sitting at a table with books and notebooks, demonstrating effective home school strategies.

Mastering Homeschool: Essential Strategies for Success

Four simple strategies to help plan school days and the school year.

When Homeschooling Is Hard

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Faith Development and Homeschooling little girl sitting on her mom's lap as a bible is being read to her

Faith Development and Homeschooling

The greatest reason to consider homeschooling your kids may be what happens when they leave your home.

Will homeschooling make my kid weird? Pretty little girl with pick barraretts in her hair, with her dad putting her pink glasses on her as she smiles.

Will Homeschooling Make My Kids Weird?

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.

Homeschooling mom with her young son and daughter

10 Good Reasons to Homeschool: Are you a good fit?

If faith and character are part of your family values, homeschooling could be the right choice.


7 Things Every Homeschooling Rookie Should Know

As a homeschooling parent, don’t be afraid to learn along with your kids.

homeschooling little girl doing a science project by pouring water into three glasses wearing plastic goggles

4 Truths Homeschooling Moms Need to Know

In the spirit of Titus 2, an older mom shares four truths homeschooling moms need to knowIn the spirit of Titus 2, an older mom shares four truths homeschooling moms need to know

Is homeschooling right for you

What Is Homeschooling? Is It Right for Me?

Let’s be honest: Homeschooling isn’t for everyone. Here is a look at what homeschooling is, and several ways to determine if it’s best for your family.

Homeschooling options

4 Ways to School at Home

Taking responsibility for your children’s education can be the most rewarding decision you will make as a parent.

Homeschool parent sitting next to her daughter as she trys to remove her mom's glasses

You Know You’re a Homeschool Parent When . . .

your kids don’t know the answer to, “What grade are you in?”

Homeschooling little boy sitting at a table writing with a pencil.

Fun Ideas to Supplement Your Homeschool Curriculum

Homeschool curriculum options for the Christian family that are free or low cost.

Back to School Blues

Overcoming the Back to School Blues

Does your kid have the back to school blues? Discover some tips to help your kids overcome their negative feelings about returning to school.

Home Schooling High School: Just the Next Step

Home schooling high school is not as scary as it sounds.

Young Asian woman sitting at her computer, biting her pencil in excitement or frustration

Navigating the Brave New World of E-Learning

Many students now have to go to school at home because of the coronavirus. Enter the brave new world of e-learning.

boy with telescope

A Bright Future

Help your kids work toward a bright future.

Beyond Basic Academics

Dads can model a love of learning, especially when home schooling.

Beat Summer Learning Loss

Encourage your kids to actively learn and engage their brains during the summer months so they’ll be ready for the rigors of school in the fall.

Giving Kids a Voice in Their Home-School Experience

Recess! Report cards! (And other basic human rights)! Give your kids a place to voice their needs in the home-school experience.

Choosing a Home-School Curriculum

Where do you start the home-schooling experience? How do you keep from being overwhelmed by it?