
Theological Questions/Debates

Young woman using Wicca candles

Wicca: What You Should Know

Witchcraft has been around a long time. But its promises are empty. Here is what you should know about Wicca.

Defend the Faith Like C.S. Lewis, Part 2

C.S. Lewis used several lines of reasoning to make the case for the Christian worldview. In the second part of his two-part article, Robert Velarde highlights two of Lewis’ key arguments, and explains the value of logic in defending the faith.

William Lane Craig

A Few Minutes with Dr. William Lane Craig

John D. Martin interviews Christian scholar Dr. William Lane Craig.

Close up of several open Bibles on a table with women's hands resting on them, indicating a Bible study

Why Study the Bible?

There are plenty of reasons to study the Bible. Here is a list of eight of the main reasons why reading and studying the Bible is not wasted time.

Who or What Caused God?

“If everything has a cause, then who or what caused God?” While this question is often asked, it is inherently flawed. J.P. Moreland explains.

Defend the Faith Like C.S. Lewis, Part 1

In part one of his two-part article, Robert Velarde describes four broad principles or laws of logic. He also explains what the Bible teaches us about logic and how C.S. Lewis used reasonable, logical arguments to defend the faith.

What to Say to a Skeptic

How can you respond when a skeptic questions Christ’s resurrection? Bill Myers and Michael Ross offer some tips.

A Real Foundation

Integrating a Christian worldview into every area of life is important.

When No One Is Wrong: A Response to the Interfaith Movement

“Interfaith dialogue” is a pluralistic attempt to find common ground in the values and goals of various religions. Is this something evangelicals should pursue?

man in suit sitting in a church ready to defend the faith

Defending the Faith

Some people — even self-proclaimed Christians — today have one basic belief about the Bible — that it shouldn’t be believed! But things didn’t used to be that way. Prior to the late 20th century, virtually all people who claimed to be Christians understood Scripture to be inspired and preserved — in other words, sacred. …

Bible open with a dark background

What About Those Who Have Never Heard?

This is not to say it’s not a legitimate question (it is), but the motivation is not always a sincere desire to get an answer.

Living in Reality

From the simple to the complex, we misinterpret reality more often that we’d like to admit. Sometimes the stakes are small, but when it comes to worldview questions the stakes are high and faulty beliefs can cost us dearly. That’s why living in reality—the topic of this article—is so important.

Choosin’ My Religion

J.P. Moreland shows how to make a non-arbitrary choice about one’s religion.

woman ponders the question is hell real?

Is Hell Real?

Is hell real? Couldn’t God reform bad people or just annihilate them? After all, why punish people forever for one limited lifetime of behavior? And wouldn’t annihilation be preferable to eternal suffering?

As what point does a fetus become a baby?

When Does a Fetus Become a Baby?

What is the big deal with the terms fetus or baby?

What’s Your View of the World?

Everyone has a worldview, even those who don’t know they have one. But what is a worldview and does it really make a difference in everyday life? In this article, Dr. Del Tackett explores the concept and significance of “worldview” and its relationship to biblical truth.

What’s a Christian Worldview?

A recent nationwide survey completed by the Barna Research Group determined that only 4 percent of Americans had a “biblical” worldview. When George Barna, who has researched cultural trends and the Christian Church since 1984, looked at the “born- again” believers in America, the results were a dismal 9 percent.Barna’s survey also connected an individual’s …

How Should a Christian View Marriage and Divorce?

God, the Creator of humanity and of marriage itself, has laid out His plan for marriage as a lifelong union.

Does God really exist? Looking at this image of "God's eye" makes it hard to deny.

Does God Really Exist?

Michael Ross offers tips for answering skeptics who ask the question: “Does God Really exist?”

hands holding up pile of soil with a plant growing out of it.

Why Is a Christian Worldview Important?

Perhaps you’ve seen the survey conducted by the Barna Research Groups, which determined that only four percent of Americans have a biblical worldview. Even more alarming, only nine percent of born-again believers in America have a Christian worldview. Probably you’ve see the devastating results of a secular worldview: broken families, wasted lives and ineffective Christians. …