

Young couple looking at each other through a window

Living a High Definition, Transparent Marriage

Oftentimes couples try to keep their spouses in the dark when it comes to their mistakes, justifying that it’s not that big of a deal.

Making an Impact in the Workplace

Peter C. Wagner warns that although there are several opportunities for Christians to stand out in the workplace, it’s important that it’s not done in weird ways.

How to Talk with Your Kids about War

How To Talk With Your Kids about War

You never know how talking about war might unlock a different view or perspective for both you and your kids.


‘One Another’ Marriage Devotional: Do Not Lie to One Another

“Do not lie to one another” means we must also avoid lies of omission. Have you been leaving out facts or hiding anything from your spouse lately?

Kids and Science

Science and Faith: Little Scientists in a Big World

As our kids grow up, they begin to ask more questions about the world. Unless you or your spouse is a scientist, these questions can often leave you feeling like you don’t have the “right” answer. Explore how the intersection between science and faith can guide your conversations about potentially difficult topics.

Logo for Focus on the Family Marriage Podcast

When Your Money Habits Clash

Money. It’s one of the most common reasons couples fight. To help ease financial tension, John and Erin will share a helpful key for when you’re frustrated with your spouse’s financial choices. Featuring Mr. Chuck and Mrs. Ann Bentley.

A Theology for Discouraged Pastors and Church Leaders

Discouragement may come to the godliest and most talented of God’s ministers in the church. But as we remember to reflect on God’s good providence, His willingness to let us lament before Him, and how He has rescued his servants who sank deep into despair, we can find our moorings and press on to serve …

Plan Ahead So You’ll Say the Right Thing to Your Kids

Planning out what to say in frustrating parenting moments can help you speak life into your children instead of tearing them down.

Four teen girls posing outside on a Fall day. One stands separately in the foreground smiling, the others look disapproving.

The Wrong Crowd?

Peers play a large role in a teen’s life. Helping them discern how friends influence them can give them a more successful experience.

Close up of young couple holding hands which are also holding a Bible together. The couple's heads are not shown.

Taking Off Our ‘Happy Faces’ at Church

If you’re not interested in being honest and sharing your struggles you might as well go join a club. Why join a church at all?

Creating a High Definition Home

David was freed from his torment when he finally refrained from “covering up his iniquity‚” and gave into a life of transparency before God and man.

Living in High Definition

We feel trapped, desiring a confidante, yet terrified that honesty will cause those we value to permanently lock us out of their life.

Why Children Need to Know Their Adoption Story

Four compelling reasons to tell your children the story of their adoption

Childhood Sexual Development

Childhood Sexual Development for 4-8 Year Olds

From the toddler to early elementary school years, there are several important developmental milestones that impact your children. Remember that your child is uniquely designed by God for a specific purpose. Their sexual identity is a large part of that purpose. As a parent, you have the privilege to help your child discover how God …

Childhood Sexual Development Ages 0-3

Childhood Sexual Development for 0-3 Year Olds

As your young children grow up, they will face a variety of situations involving their body parts, sexual development, and issues around sexuality. Talking with your children about these topics might feel awkward, and that’s okay. But taking initiative regarding sexual development when your kids are at a young age will benefit your relationship later …