
9-12 (Pre-teen/Tween) Mental Health

An image depicting mother and teenage daughter sitting closely together on a couch.

How to Know if Your Child is Depressed or Suicidal

Having child who is depressed or suicidal is the frightening reality of too many parents today. However, there is hope in Christ, and preventive steps you can take to help a child you care about.

Violence among girls signals a time to teach strength without aggression

Is Your Daughter A Mean Girl?

Some are calling this breed the “New American Girl.” She’s more physical, not afraid to be aggressive or go after what she wants, and she takes care of herself.

Marijuana use is on the rise among young people

A Parent’s Guide to Marijuana and Marijuana Use

Marijuana continues to grow as a socially and legally accepted drug. Read our parent’s guide to marijuana to help in facing these situations.

Girl with her hair in braids smiling and giving a thumbs up

How to Raise Strong and Confident Daughters

When your daughter recognizes that you believe in her, she begins to believe in herself, and has confidence to pursue her dreams.

teen girl dealing with the rejection of her four peer in the background

Help Your Kids Deal With Rejection

Does your heart ache when your children are rejected by others? Here’s four perspectives that can help them work through painful rebuffs.  

Young teen girl staring at a phone, dealing with cyber bullies

Bullying and Cyberbullying

Bullying and cyberbullying may be prevented with intentional parenting. However if it does occur, there are some ways that parents can respond to help their kids cope.

Mean girl holding her hand to her forehead in the L shape for loser

Mean Girls

Empower your tween to respond gracefully when confronted by “mean girls” and seek adult help if she finds herself being bullied.

Tech trends sends kids into screen addiction. Boy hiding under the covers late at night staring at his phone screen

Social Media Hazards, Mental Health Apps and Dark Patterns

TikTok: The shortform video app built on the backs of dancing, lip-syncing teenagers that has stirred up Congress, the Senate and, unsurprisingly, social media.

Middle school young girl with a back pack

Helping Kids Through The Anxiety-Filled Middle School Years

What Is Anxiety? Anxiety is an intense emotional reaction, usually of dread, to a perceived, anticipated or future danger. Clinical anxiety can involve symptoms such as trembling and shaking, restlessness, sleep problems, fatigue, anger and depression. This fall, my oldest daughter starts middle school. In many ways, she’s a confident, talented, and accomplished young lady. …

Child holding bowl repaired by kintsugi

Beauty in the Brokenness: How God Restores Our Hearts

Kintsugi is the art of repairing something that has been broken with gold, with the understanding that the object is more beautiful because it has been broken. Like the art of kintsugi, God repairs the brokenness in our lives and makes us more beautiful through the process.

A social contagion like rapid onset gender dysphoria can affect teenaged girls like this dark haired teenager sadly looking at her phone late at night on her bed

Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria: A Social Contagion?

Have you ever noticed how societal trends can influence the personal identities of an entire generation?

teen girl

6 Ways to Develop Self-Confidence and Positive Self-Image in Children

These six steps can help you to build self-confidence and a positive self-image in your children.

mom comforting her sad teenage girl after learning of her parent's divorce

How to Talk to Kids About Divorce and Marital Affairs

A marital affair can be devastating to a family. There is no one easy answer for talking to your kids, as every child and situation is different. If you are facing this situation in your family, here are seven tips for talking to your kids after any sort of marital crisis has occurred.

Are Trans-Youth at a Higher Risk for Suicide?

I’ve heard that trans-youth are at a higher risk for suicide. Is this true?

help children cope with a father's death

9 Ways to Help Children Cope with a Father’s Death

If you know a boy or girl who has dealt with a father’s death, whether recently or some time ago, don’t be afraid to step up and help out.

How to Handle Stress in Your Children

While the cause of stress in your children depends on a variety of influences, you can provide hope and support through security and comfort.

Grieving person sitting against wall

Coping With Suicide in Families

When a person dies by suicide, the family and friends who survive them must find ways to cope and continue to honor their life.

Girl with body image issues looking at scale

Body Image Issues and Eating Disorders

Body image issues and eating disorders are rooted in cultural messages – so how can we help our kids overcome them?

Family Wearing Masks

Getting Back to Normal: Changing Your Mindset

These 3 steps can help you change your mindset following the COVID-19 pandemic and start getting back to a more normal mindset.

Grief and Loss - Lisa Harper and her daugher Missy smiling for a photo

Grief and Loss: Knowing When Kids Need to Talk

Take the time to help your children process worry, grief and loss