
Alive to Thrive

10 Ways Parents Can Help Their Children Cope During a Panic Attack

We cannot prevent a panic attack or talk our loved one out of one. Reason and logic only create more angst in the situation. We can equip them and empower them by teaching them coping skills.

Alive to Thrive Teen Suicide Prevention logo

Addressing Suicidal Thoughts and Actions in Youth

Focus on the Family has created Alive to Thrive to provide help and hope for parents and others who interact regularly with young people. This free resource provides practical suggestions for preventing and responding to suicidal thoughts and actions.

For King and Country Story

God Only Knows

Luke and Joel Smallbone of For King and Country discuss the story behind their song, “God Only Knows.”

Trevor's suicide survivor story

Trever’s Story

Trever shares about his suicide attempt and the moment he was able to accept the love being shown to him.

Brianne Suicide Survivor Story

Brianne’s Story

Brianne recalls her experience hearing God’s voice in the midst of crisis.

Burnside Suicide Survivor Story Video

Burnside Family Story

The Burnside’s speak about the loss of their daughter and encourage others to speak up and take action.