
Pro-Life Q&As

Concerned woman sitting on couch looking at pregnancy test

Considering Abortion

Considering Abortion? If you or someone you know has an unexpected pregnancy and isn’t sure what to do, the following expert-reviewed resources and referrals can help provide a calming support and guidance in weighing complex decisions.

Child talking with counselor

Therapeutic Interventions for an Adopted Child

Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Traditional parenting techniques don’t always work for a child who has experienced trauma — and most adopted children have experienced trauma. An adopted child and their parents often need more support than they can get from only talk therapy. That’s where therapeutic parenting comes in: techniques that …

IVF: Moral and Ethical Considerations

What’s your opinion of in vitro fertilization (IVF)?

Baby lies on table awaiting vaccine

What the Bible Says About the Beginning of Life

The Bible is far from silent on the topic of the sanctity of human life, especially preborn life in the womb.

couple on bed looking at ultrasound pictures

Pregnant Woman With Serious Health Risk Wonders About Abortion

My doctor told me that I’ll be risking my own life by carrying my baby to term. Should I have an abortion? I was so excited when I learned that I was pregnant, but now I’m devastated and confused.

woman holding another woman's hand in comfort

Post-Abortive Woman Wants to Help Others Overcome Guilt

What can I do to help other women discover freedom from the emotional and psychological aftermath of an abortion? I know firsthand how devastating it can be to wrestle with post-abortive guilt. But I’m happy to say that in Jesus Christ I’ve found joy in being released from that burden and forgiven for my past …

inside of prison

Pro-Life Perspective on the Death Penalty

How do I reconcile my pro-life beliefs with capital punishment? I’m extremely committed to upholding the sanctity of human life. As a result, I’ve been active for years in the pro-life movement, defending the rights of the unborn and speaking out against euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. The other day, however, a friend caught me up …

air force planes flying

Pro-Life Perspective on War

Is it possible to be pro-life and pro-war at the same time? I’m a Christian and a strong pro-lifer, and I’ve wrestled with this issue many times in my mind over the past several years. The biblical commandment is clear: “Thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:13). As I see it, killing is killing, no matter …

wide-eyed newborn baby

Reasons to Choose Life When Facing a Crisis Pregnancy

Why shouldn’t I have an abortion?

woman lying on couch headphones hands on head sad

Referrals for Post-Abortion Ministries and Training

Can you recommend materials or organizations that reach out to women who are struggling with the effects of Post-Abortion Syndrome?

Reversal of “Abortion Pill” Mifepristone (RU-486)

Is it possible to reverse or block mifepristone or Mifeprex once a woman takes it for an abortion? My friend recently went to a clinic for an abortion, and she was given a prescription for this drug. I talked with her this morning, and she told me she had just taken the drug. But she …

Scriptural Basis for Defending Human Life

Where does the Bible speak about the “sanctity of human life”? I’ve noticed that the more widely a phrase or slogan gets thrown around, the fuzzier its meaning seems to become. This one is a good example. I’m forever hearing Christians talk about “the sanctity of human life” in church, on Christian radio and television, …

Single Adult Considering Adoption

Should I, as an unmarried adult, think seriously about adopting a child? How does your ministry feel about single-parent adoption? I’m deeply concerned about children in this country and around the world, and I’d like to do my part.

Understanding a Post-Abortal Friend

Why won’t my friend talk about her abortion? It’s obvious that she’s in bad shape emotionally, and I’d like to help her. But every time I try to broach the subject, she clams up. Do you have any insights into what she might be thinking?

Wait No More: Focus on the Family’s Foster Care and Adoption Program

Can you tell me more about your foster care and adoption outreach? I’ve heard that Focus on the Family is actively involved in promoting adoption and ministering to the needs of children in foster care.

Wants Referral to Local PRC

I’m pregnant and I don’t know what to do. Can you direct me to a local Pregnancy Resource Center or some other source of help?

Wants to Advocate for Sanctity of Human Life

How can I become more actively involved in promoting a broader awareness of the sanctity of human life? I have a strong desire to take a stand in defense of innocent preborn children. Any suggestions or recommendations?

Wondering Whether to Abort a Child Diagnosed With a Disabling Medical Problem

Should I have an abortion if my baby is likely to be born with a serious – potentially disabling – medical condition? My doctor has assured me that this is the case, and I’m at a loss to know what to do. I’m devastated and overwhelmed.

pregnant woman making heart with hands

Wondering Whether to Abort a Child Diagnosed With a Fatal Medical Problem

Should I have an abortion if my baby is likely to be born with a serious – potentially fatal – medical condition?

mom and dad holding little girl's hand

How to Adopt Through the Foster Care System

Can you provide my spouse and me with any guidance or resource suggestions as we consider adopting a child through the foster care system?