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International Adoptions

Can you help me understand the ins and outs of adopting a child from outside the United States – possibly from a developing country? How does the international adoption process work? I’m concerned about children around the world. Do you have any advice or suggestions?

Your desire to adopt a child from abroad is commendable. As we understand it, the situation of orphaned children in many countries around the world is rather desperate. This is especially true in non-western nations. It would be our privilege to assist you in any way we can.

Although we do provide information on adoption through our Wait No More® Foster Care and Adoption Program, the technical and legal ins and outs of international adoption are highly specialized subjects which lie beyond the range of our expertise and capability.

The best we can do is refer you to our Adoption & Foster Care resource list, which has contact information for a number of organizations that are in a far better position to help you than we are. We would particularly like to draw your attention to Holt International Children’s Services. We also recommend that you visit the
Loving Shepherd Ministries website for referrals to adoption agencies and updates concerning adoption requirements in countries around the world.

For further information, we suggest you get a copy of The Connected Child: Bring Hope and Healing to Your Adoptive Family.



The Connected Child: Bring Hope and Healing to Your Adoptive Family

The Whole Life Adoption Book

Adoption & Foster Care (resource list)

Fostering or Adopting Children From Difficult Backgrounds (resource list)


TCU’s Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development

Empowered to Connect

Focus on the Family’s® Foster Care and Adoption Program: Wait No More®

The Out of Sync Child

Preparing for Adoption

Adjusting to Life After an Adoption

The Adoption Journey (includes lists of books, broadcasts, articles and referrals)


Attachment and Bonding

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