Tim and Katie Nester are currently parenting seven children. Their unique family challenges them to show steadfast love in action every day.
Grace & Forgiveness
Learning how to manage Christmas after divorce can be overwhelming and devastating. Explore this story of overcoming divorce differences.
Encourage your children to share their belongings with others.
Walk through tough holiday times with your children to show them how to handle conflict between extended family.
Spend time planning how you will successfully model Christ’s love to your children as you manage extended family dynamics.
Unanswered questions about prayer may cause kids to have misconceptions. We can help correct those misunderstandings as we teach our kids how to draw closer to God through prayer.
“Humility allows for a conversation to have a very important ingredient for genuine communication to happen.” – Danny Huerta
Self-harm is an attempt to find relief from emotional distress. Here is what the Bible offers parents to help their kids who are cutting.
One family made an intentional choice about how they would respond to their adult daughters wild and immature behavior.
Read about the dangers of drugs and alcohol, what the Bible has to say about getting high, how a teen can help a friend involved in substance abuse and resources for drug abuse.
Whether your children are fully grown, or still crawling on your lap, the power of an apology can transform your relationship.
What do you do when your adult children don’t make the choices you wish they had?
Here are faith activities to teach kids about freedom through our relationship with Jesus.
Kintsugi is the art of repairing something that has been broken with gold, with the understanding that the object is more beautiful because it has been broken. Like the art of kintsugi, God repairs the brokenness in our lives and makes us more beautiful through the process.
Male and female are not what we feel we are, but what we actually are. Help your kids sort the truth from fiction regarding transgenderism because transgenderism doesn’t physically exist.
Grace and forgiveness are necessary a healthy home and faith. Asking our children for forgiveness is an essential parenting trait.
Simple ways to celebrate Easter with your kids
Crucial decisions made during the post high school years may significantly impact a young adult’s future.
Knowing how to respond to your young teen’s porn use can be overwhelming. Learn how to approach them with grace, patience, and understanding.
Helping your children deal with their anger can seem impossible when emotions run high. But you can train your kids to recognize triggers and replace them with truths that will help them get out of their angry cycle.