

Mom helps child build confidence by teaching him how to do laundry. The image has a little boy and his mom kneeling on the floor talking laundry out of the dryer together

Chores Help Kids Be Successful In Life

Children build their self-confidence through learning small, real life skills.

A young couple sweep the floor together in their kitchen. When you share the chores in your marriage and your goal is to out-serve each other, you can bring an end to the chore wars in your home.

Chores and Your Marriage

Household chores can be a point of contention in marriage. To avoid this conflict, couples should focus their energy on out-serving each other.

Age Appropriate Chores for Kids

Age-Appropriate Chores For Kids

Dirty dishes. Messy bedrooms. Toys on the living room floor. Some days, there just isn’t a good way to avoid the chore wars. But there is always tomorrow, and you can be proactive.

Should We Pay Our Kids for Doing Chores?

How should we approach giving an allowance for our kids? How do we use chores to help our kids learn responsibility without just paying them for work?

kids doing chores. Little boy with a big smile, in a red shirt, doing the dishes as his daily chore

Personality Differences: Conquering Chores Together

Learn to navigate communicating the importance of doing chores to your kids and form your perspective on how chores can impact your family.

6 Ways To Create a Culture of Responsibility With Our Kids

To create a healthy culture of responsibility, it begins with us as parents modeling a willingness to do those small things. Our children will pick up on our actions and will begin to live them out later in life. Watching them do this is in itself a great reward.

The Best Chores for Teenagers

As you communicate the importance of chores for your teens, reinforce the spiritual significance of work and its impact on the heart, mind, and soul.

responsible kids

Responsible Kids Don’t Just Happen

Responsible kids don’t just happen. Therefore, intentional parents can use these tips for training their kids in personal responsibility.

5 Tips for How to Get Your Kids to Do Chores

Don’t despair. Here are a few great ideas that parents have used to motivate their kids to take responsibility for their chores:

Heap of different shoes on color background

The Shoe Rule: Teaching Kids Responsibility Through Family Rules

What started as a rule to get our kids to put away their shoes grew into a good example of how doing right was a much better choice than doing what was convenient.

Husband brushing toddler's teeth showing how to love your wife

Loving Your Wife With the Little Things

While remembering birthdays, anniversaries and Mother’s Day is important, if you want to show love to your wife, learn to help her with the little things.

a married woman folds clothes to help with household chores

Married … With Household Chores

Couples come clean about household chores and share what they’re willing to trade to avoid cleaning house.

Why Can’t You Be More Like…

A wife often finds herself jealous when she hears about a husband who does laundry. She’s learned to focus on what her husband does right — listens and shares his hobbies — instead of what he doesn’t.

How to Get Kids to Care for and Be Kind to Your Pets

Train your kids to be gentle with and caring for pets from a young age.

Trade Chores With Your Kids

A clever idea changed my perspective on my kids and household duties.