
Pregnancy Resource Center

Unborn and Preborn: What Does it Mean?

The pro-life community is fighting an uphill battle. That’s why it’s important that we know the terms we use, what these terms mean, and why these terms matter.

Population Control Cover Photo

Population Control – A Result of PGT and Abortion

Back in high school, I remember checking out a dystopian novel from the library and reading it cover to cover in a week. Books like The Hunger Games, Divergent, and The Giver spark curiosity about societies that mirror our own. Though each book has a unique plot, they all share the common theme of population …

Unplanned Pregnancy: What Are The Options And How Can You Help?

Navigating an unplanned pregnancy certainly comes with its challenges. Understanding all of the options can help when making the right choice for your child.

Pregnant woman

Alternatives to Abortion: Pregnancy Resource Centers

If you or someone you know is facing an unplanned pregnancy, you should know that pregnancy resource centers are devoted to offering women alternatives to abortion, helping them make informed choices and providing a range of services to support them throughout their pregnancy and beyond.

A hero image of blankets. The text says From Quilts to Conversations.

From Quilts To Conversations

A significant aspect of advocating for the pro-life movement involves engaging and educating others with compassion and truth. Often, we think this means rallying against the opposition, but thankfully, “we can passionately argue against abortion while treating people with love and respect.” With that in mind, can we share the pro-life philosophy with those closest …

the truth behind a fake crisis pregnancy center image

The Truth: “Fake” Crisis Pregnancy Centers

Behind the noise, what is a crisis pregnancy center at its core? Are they fake clinics posing as women’s healthcare? Here’s the truth.

Forced Pregnancy and Abortion

Forced Pregnancy and Abortion

What is Forced Pregnancy? We have heard the word forced pregnancy tossed about. But what does that mean? Some people are equating the lack of abortion access to forced pregnancy. Equality Now says it this way: “Forced pregnancy is defined as when a woman or girl becomes pregnant without having sought or desired it, and …

A man stands anxious about his girlfriend being pregnant in response to so you're pregnant.

So, You’re Pregnant, a Letter From a Nearly-Aborted Man

My parents mutually decided that abortion would be the solution to their problems. With having an abortion, they would not have to share their situation with their loved ones. They were told that, with abortion, the financial strain of a child would seemingly disappear.

Two men sit at a table talking and encouraging one another, as one is a new father and the other is a Pregnancy Resource Center volunteer

Pregnancy Resource Center Volunteer Opportunities for Men

Donating to your local pregnancy resource center or Focus on the Family’s Option Ultrasound Program are excellent options, but is there more?

Hopeful choice as a woman holds a small yellow flower in her hand

Hopeful Choice: What is a Pregnancy Help Center?

There are hopeful choices out there. A pregnancy help center can share the options available.

abortion access does it matter

Abortion Access: 5 Actions for Pro-lifers to Weaken Roe v. Wade

Many want to limit abortion access, overturn Roe v. Wade. But is that the most important goal? Pro-lifers can make a difference now, regardless of Roe v. Wade.