

A woman and a man enjoy an intimate moment by standing close to each other and gazing into each other's eyes. A healthy sex life isn’t about having more sex, it’s about having better sex. Here are four ways to improve your sex life in your marriage.

Five Ways to Have Better Sex

Sex is a gift God gave to husbands and wives, so why not learn how to enjoy it to the fullest?

Middle-aged couple in a loving embrace

Men’s Sex Drive After 50: What Wives Need to Know

Your husband’s sex drive changes as he ages, and illness can also affect it. But an encouraging wife can make a big difference.

A couple embraces intimately, their foreheads touching as they prepare to kiss, symbolizing vulnerability and connection in conversations about a partner’s sexual past.

How to Overcome Your Sexual Past and Have Deeper Intimacy With Your Spouse

Blended family marriages face unique stressors that can affect a couple’s sexual relationship. Here are five sexual pitfalls to avoid.

How does a parent respond when their teen daughter is having sex

What to Do if Your Teenage Daughter is Having Sex

Learning that your teenage daughter is having sex can likely leave you with more questions than answers. Following the initial wave of emotions and panic, you might ask yourself: How did I not know about this? What do I do now?

Happy married couple standing outside. She's hugging his shoulders from behind.

God’s Design for Sex Reveals His Heart For Us

Husbands can reveal God’s loving, self-sacrificing movement into people’s hearts by the way they treat their wife. And wives can reveal God’s invitation to be filled with His strengthening presence.

A couple standing hand in hand, bathed in the warm glow of a sunset, symbolizing the belief that sex is a good gift from God, reflecting love, unity, and intimacy.

Sex Is a Good Gift From God

Sex clubs, Internet porn, AIDS . . . with so much bad news, it’s easy to forget what God intended sex to be.

A couple stands closely with their foreheads touching in an intimate moment, symbolizing a connection that might raise considerations around topics like premarital sex. The pair appears deeply emotional and close, set against a serene, natural backdrop.

Sex Is Not About Waiting: Everything You Need to Know About Premarital Sex

Some see sex as a means to an end. But when something is reduced to a utilitarian process, it ceases to be beautiful. Waiting for sex helps couples find its true value: unity.

A husband and wife are wrapped up in a blanket, that creates a heart shape around them, symbolizing the sexual intimacy that helps to create a healthy marriage.

The Secret to Sexual Intimacy With Your Spouse

When you choose to be affirming, encouraging and giving, you stimulate positive emotions in your spouse. Couples who understand this learn how to make love, not just have sex.

A couple holding hands while looking in opposite directions, symbolizing emotional distance and efforts in avoiding an affair.

How to Avoid or End an Affair

Consider the following ways to avoid or end an extramarital affair and learn about the importance of knowing your spouse’s primary needs.

How We Dishonor God in Our Sex Lives Through Sexual Sin

We dishonor God when we fail to mirror the Trinitarian reality and beauty in our relationships.

Couple hugging with sunset in background, and seeking God's help in keeping a pure marriage.

Naked and Unashamed: Keeping a Pure Marriage

Differing perspectives and fears about our imperfections can make Biblical intimacy challenging. Learn how to develop pure intimacy in your marriage through embracing your differences.


Black and White vs. Shades of Grey

If God’s Word is clear about some basic black-and-white sexual issues, what’s a believer to do with the shades of grey that are redefining sex in our culture?

A married couple kisses in the snow.

Great Sex Doesn’t Just Happen

Without effort, time and attention, sex can easily and quickly become mundane and predictable and can even turn into a dreaded necessity to place on the ‘to-do’ list.

A man and a woman stand close to each other intimately, forehead to forehead, nose to nose, gazing into each other's eyes. For Christians, sex is a big thing because God's design for sex is a big thing. The Christian view of sex is actually a very radical one.

God’s Design for Sex

While it might seem old-fashioned or passé to people outside the faith, the Christian view of sexuality is actually a very radical one. God’s design for sex is bigger than we often realize.

the weirdest abortion argument about how location determines your worth and fetus rights

The Weirdest Argument for Abortion

The weirdest argument for abortion, by far, is one that devalues human life based on a person’s physical location.

A loving couple lie on a blanket in the grass, embracing each other. Keep the marriage bed pure by resolving conflict in a loving way.

Keeping the Marriage Bed Pure by Resolving Conflict

Resolving conflict healthily honors marriage and keeps the marriage bed pure. Praying with your spouse leads to emotional safety, which encourages sexual intimacy.

woman talking to her daughter about same sex attraction

How to Talk with Your Adult Daughter about Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Same-Sex Attraction

Note: This article is intended to support and encourage parents of adult children only.

teen in bed with a laptop his parents suspect porn use.

How Do You Respond to Your Teen’s Suspected Porn Use?

Knowing how to respond to your young teen’s porn use can be overwhelming. Learn how to approach them with grace, patience, and understanding.

Photo of a woman's arms holding off a man's arms in a struggle.

What Is Sexual Abuse in Marriage?

Darby Strickland, a counselor and teacher at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation, defines sexual abuse in marriage and explains how wives are oppressed in this way.

When Someone Has “Different Pronouns”: Explaining LGBT Pronoun Usage to our Kids

Learn how to address and answer your child’s questions about LGBT pronoun usage. Then, cultivate healthy conversations about how to equip your children to communicate using love, care, and compassion.