
Technology & Internet

Consequences of teen sexting are serious

The Consequences of Teen Sexting

Learning about sexting involving your teenager can seem frightening and overwhelming. Read more to discover some of the dangers surrounding sexting, relevant terminology, and repercussions. Finally, read our advice and guidance on how to appropriately and lovingly discuss this topic with your teenager.

A woman types on her smartphone in a bright kitchen, illustrating how to comfort someone over text with a calm and thoughtful expression.

How to Comfort Someone Over Text

With a simple text, you can comfort someone and pass along powerful encouragement, just as the apostle Paul did in his letters.

Help your family make entertainment and media choices

Instill Biblical Principles for Entertainment and Media Choices

The Bible is full of passages to help us navigate the culture. How can you help your children think biblically about topics like entertainment?

Young girl taking a selfie with her dog.

Tech Trends: Should I Get My Kid a Phone for Christmas?

There’s a lot of peer pressure to have a phone as young eight years old. Before you buy you buy your child a phone this year, here’s some thoughts to consider.

Talking to your daughter about beauty and worth

Talking to Your Daughter about Her Worth, Identity, and Beauty

Talking to your daughter through the years about her worth, identity, and beauty requires your consistent compassion and investment. Learn more about how to maintain these conversations throughout each age and stage of her life.

A family enjoying Christian entertainment choices while watching a movie together at home. The mother, father, and young daughter are sitting on a cozy couch, sharing a bowl of popcorn, and smiling as they watch the screen.

Choosing God-Honoring Entertainment: A Guide for Christians

Today’s entertainment is far reaching and has slowly desensitized us to sex and violence. Learn how to make wise decisions about the movies, music and shows you take in!

A family sitting on a couch, each absorbed in their own electronic devices: a young boy playing on a smartphone, a woman using a tablet, and a man working on a laptop in the background

Signs of Screen Addiction in Children and How to Help

Screen addiction is a rising concern affecting kids and adults. Excessive screen time harms health and social interactions. Recognizing signs and taking action can restore balance in your home.

two young girls on their cell phones

5 Tips for Keeping Your Kids’ Phone Time Under Control

Knowing how to approach phone time for your kids can be tricky. So here are some strategies for how to create a healthy environment for your kids.

Toddler on a smartphone

Why Are Screens Bad for Babies 0 to 2?

Exposing your infant to screens too early disrupts their growing ability to read and interpret faces – a key element to their developing social skills.

teen slang, and dumb phones. tween girl on her bed texting

Tech Trends: AI Cheating, ‘Dumb Phones’ and Teen Slang

This month: how to stop your child from using AI to cheat, why dumb phones might be a smart screen-time solution, and a list of tween and teen slang

Tech Trends: ‘Bad Science’ Videos, AI on YouTube Kids, and ‘SkinTok’

Each month, Plugged In publishes a blog with the latest technology and social media trends.

Teenage girl talking to AI on her phone

Does Social Media AI Know Your Teens Better Than You Do?

Parents, I hate to tell you this. But in some ways, social media AI might know your kids better than you do.

Two little girls watching Disney+

Disney Warns Parents to Put Parental Controls on Disney+

This Disney mom has had enough.

young girl holding a smart phone, distressed looking at social media

Should My Child Have Social Media?

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5

building trust with your teens in a digital age. Teenage boy laying on his bed looking at his phone.

Building Trust: Key to Parenting Teens in a Digital World

Navigating the delicate balance between keeping your kids safe and respecting their growing need for independence isn’t always easy, especially in today’s digital world.

Three boys on cellphones sitting on the couch

What Age Should My Kid Get a Cell Phone?

The purpose for having a phone contract is to make sure everyone in the family is on the same page and in agreement with cell phone expectations. The goals are to encourage relationship, conversation, and responsibility with and without devices.

Do your kids have healthy phone habits

Do Your Kids Have Healthy Phone Habits?

Our kids’ mental health has nearly been narrowed down to two words: Likes and Followers. Learn how to approach habits for your kids and phones.

Teen with a smartphone taking a selfie

What is the Right Age to Give My Child a Smartphone?

The following excerpt is from “Parenting Gen Z: Guiding Your Child Through a Hostile Culture”

How to Talk with Your Kids about War

How To Talk With Your Kids about War

You never know how talking about war might unlock a different view or perspective for both you and your kids.

horrors of war are currently at children's fingertips, shown here as a young boy views his phone from under his covers long after he should be sleeping

Frontline Horrors at Your Kids’ Fingertips

The atrocities committed against Israel has highlighted the urgency of parental control over social media. As graphic content and misinformation transforms our children’s screens into windows of human suffering, no child should experience.