College-bound kids and their faith have never been more threatened. As a parent, you can make sure they are already connected in community.
Physical activity is important to healthy child development but parents need to know how to prevent and respond to head injuries that may result in concussions.
Does your teen grasp the reality of money matters? Four practical ways to get your teens financially fit
Learning that your teenage daughter is having sex can likely leave you with more questions than answers. Following the initial wave of emotions and panic, you might ask yourself: How did I not know about this? What do I do now?
Help kids see that God works through pain and suffering in their and other people’s lives.
I struggled to find my identity in Christ, trying to find my identity in materialistic things of the world. I was so consumed with gaining the “perfect” group of friends that I used alcohol to cope and did things that I’m far from proud of. This ultimately led to comparing my looks and personality to …
Marijuana continues to grow as a socially and legally accepted drug. Read our parent’s guide to marijuana to help in facing these situations.
Equipping your teen with inner strength and a sense of responsibility can feel overwhelming. Learn more about how to build healthy boundaries for your teen concerning their increasing freedom.
Your job is now to pinpoint your teen’s interests and natural abilities to help your child grow in the direction that God made him or her.
Parenting adolescents effectively means the carefully transferring responsibility.
Understanding our internal responses when a teen is disrespectful helps us choose God’s peace over inner chaos.
We can’t sacrifice the future that God has for our kids because of our own fears and insecurities. There is a middle, a balance, and a transition. Here are some ways to help your teenager successfully transition into adulthood.
Parenting your pregnant teen is a whole new level of motherhood. It can also be a deepening of your relationship.
An open letter to moms of teens on Mother’s Day.
A girl grounded in her identity will still feel discouraged when she doesn’t have the relational connections she craves, but a lack of friends won’t define her. And it won’t destroy her. And if she’s practicing confidence and selflessness, the lonely seasons won’t last forever.
I’ve been spending a lot of time with my ten-year-old grandson. It won’t be long before he enters his teenage years and is looking for mentorship from me, and from others. But for now, he has no worries. He lives in a good home, has many loving relatives, and a bunch of good friends. As …
One way to help your teens cultivate a close connection with God is through prayer. And you can teach them how to do this.
Our kids need to know they are loved, worthy, valued and created on purpose for a purpose. Their difficulty in overcoming anxiety or depression does not define them.
Do your teens have unrealistic expectations of what they deserve? If so, you may be training them to feel entitled. Break the parenting habit of giving them privileges without responsibility.
As they develop into adults, what best gift ideas for teenagers go beyond the wrapping paper to encourage discovery of their unique identity?