Age & Stage
Bullying and cyberbullying may be prevented with intentional parenting. However if it does occur, there are some ways that parents can respond to help their kids cope.
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Everyday, kids are bullied at school, while engaged in extracurricular activities and online. Therefore, learning about preventing bullying and cyberbullying is important. Face to face bullying can take the form of threats, intimidation, name-calling, spreading rumors or excluding someone from a group. Aggressive behavior typically needs to be recurring in order to qualify as bullying. However, the fear that a single incident of brutish behavior might happen again can extend the impact on the victim.
Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that’s carried out in social media and smartphones. While not face-to-face, it can be just as harmful. It is very public, so word travels very quickly. Furthermore, once images and comments are posted, they can exist virtually forever online. In addition, online bullies wreak havoc anonymously, often with little fear of being discovered or punished. Their harassing comments may even include recommendations that victims harm or kill themselves.
You might wonder if your son or daughter is a victim of bullying or cyberbullying if-
If you see these signs, you need to talk with your child. One way to bring up a difficult topic is to de-personalize it. For example, you might mention that “some people” have encountered bullying. You can talk about the problem as a universal issue. Then, transition the conversation to direct it more personally:
Talk to your child about how bullying has been around since the beginning of history. Actually, it is not unique to this generation; it’s a humanity issue that even Jesus faced. Once you’ve worked on preventing bullying and cyberbullying, you can begin to work on responding to these issues.
The effects of bullying and cyberbullying can be dramatic. They demolish self-esteem and lead to depression and anxiety that can last into adulthood. Neurobiological research confirms that social pain is equivalent to physical pain. Consequently, in the most tragic cases, teens and preteens may feel driven to self-harm or suicide. If your teen is being bullied, she needs help immediately. Some things you can do include:
Children who bully or have been bullied have an increased likelihood of developing a psychiatric disorder. This is a great reason to work intentionally on preventing bullying or cyberbullying in the first place. However, when responding to these issues, consulting a licensed counselor who works with children is recommended.
Should You Teach Your Child to Fight Back?
Many parents want to teach their children to respond to bullies with physical violence. While self-defense training is helpful, advising children to answer violence with violence is not recommended. Physical aggression can escalate to a point where your child’s safety—or even life—may be seriously threatened. Likewise, schools that have a zero-tolerance policy for violence may impose punishments on your child, even if he is not the instigator of a fight. Therefore, preventing bullying and cyberbullying and responding to these issues is important. Building social and emotional skills and teaching coping skills are effective ways families can help children deal with bullying.
How can you help your child if one of his friends is being bullied or cyberbullied?
If your child has become a bully, this doesn’t mean you’re a bad parent. Some personalities are more vulnerable to becoming bullies. Talk with the school counselor or a licensed counselor to begin getting the necessary help for your family and your child. Additionally, pray diligently for God’s softening of your child’s heart.
Preventing bullying and cyberbullying and responding to these issues begins with questions and conversations. So, talk to your kids about being noticers, builders and connectors.
Be a noticer
Be a builder
Be a connector: