

photo of a couple hugging in front of a scenic fortress, determining to strengthen their marriage commitment.

Make Your Marriage a Stronghold

What does commitment mean in marriage? And how do you go about strengthening your marriage commitment?

Father riding a tandem bike with his two children.

Biking With Kids

Brightening Summers Children across the nation get excited for summer.AND Being away from school is an exciting break for most. For children in foster care, the summer does not always carry the same sense of comfort and peace. (AS CAREGIVERS,)Whether we are a caregiver, parent, or volunteer to a child in foster care, we can …

Busy Kids

How to Help Your Overscheduled and Busy Kids

God created each of our children with a unique set of gifts, talents, and interests. However, your child’s identity does not stop at what they do or how they spend their time. So often, busy kids find their worth and significance in what they do. Keep reading to explore some practical solutions to helping your …

four good friends better husbands

Want to Be a Better Husband? Hang Out With Good Friends

If you’re not sure that certain friendships are having a positive impact on you, consider the influence these guys have on your marriage. Do they encourage you to love your wife more?

Giving Up Good Things for the Best Things in Marriage

Loving your spouse well might mean giving up certain activities for a season. Those will most likely be good things, but if you feel disconnected, it may be time to examine your weekly schedules.

A couple sitting close together, smiling and engaging in meaningful conversation, symbolizing the need for making room for the important things in your marriage.

Making Room for the Important Things in Your Marriage

Marriage requires making room for someone else in your life. To add this relationship to your life requires letting go of some of your other commitments and giving your spouse priority consideration.

A Life-Changing Commute

Climbing the corporate ladder jeopardized Darin and Jennifer’s marriage, but then a friend suggested that Darin listen to the Focus on the Family radio broadcast. Slowly Darin’s heart was changed.

Candace Cameron Bure … and Her Own Full House

Americans watched Candace Cameron Bure grow up on the TV sitcom “Full House.” Now, she’s trying to balance a career and raising a family.

Room to Grow

Imagine if couples were willing to give up some of the good things in their marriage to let the better things thrive — and if they said goodbye to the activities that take resources from their relationship.

Growth and Transition

Help your toddler adjust to changing activities and transitions with personal items.

Kirk and Chelsea Cameron smile and pose for the camera

At Home With Kirk and Chelsea Cameron

Life doesn’t play out like a sit-com with everything wrapped up in 30 minutes. Ask Kirk and Chelsea Cameron who’ve experienced both TV and real-life relationships.

a fireman sits on the bumper of a fire truck

How Shift Jobs Affect Your Marriage

Shift jobs and erratic schedules make it difficult to address marriage issues. But there are ways you and your spouse can build a strong relationship.

Putting Jesus First

Putting Jesus First

Most couples do not realize that glorifying God is the deeper meaning of a Biblical marriage.

two silver rings on mossy rock

The Half-Hearted Marriage

Commitment means making a choice to give up other choices.