
Sexual Integrity

How does a parent respond when their teen daughter is having sex

What to Do if Your Teenage Daughter is Having Sex

Learning that your teenage daughter is having sex can likely leave you with more questions than answers. Following the initial wave of emotions and panic, you might ask yourself: How did I not know about this? What do I do now?

A couple standing hand in hand, bathed in the warm glow of a sunset, symbolizing the belief that sex is a good gift from God, reflecting love, unity, and intimacy.

Sex Is a Good Gift From God

Sex clubs, Internet porn, AIDS . . . with so much bad news, it’s easy to forget what God intended sex to be.

A couple stands closely with their foreheads touching in an intimate moment, symbolizing a connection that might raise considerations around topics like premarital sex. The pair appears deeply emotional and close, set against a serene, natural backdrop.

Sex Is Not About Waiting: Everything You Need to Know About Premarital Sex

Some see sex as a means to an end. But when something is reduced to a utilitarian process, it ceases to be beautiful. Waiting for sex helps couples find its true value: unity.

A couple holding hands while looking in opposite directions, symbolizing emotional distance and efforts in avoiding an affair.

How to Avoid or End an Affair

Consider the following ways to avoid or end an extramarital affair and learn about the importance of knowing your spouse’s primary needs.

How We Dishonor God in Our Sex Lives Through Sexual Sin

We dishonor God when we fail to mirror the Trinitarian reality and beauty in our relationships.

Couple hugging with sunset in background, and seeking God's help in keeping a pure marriage.

Naked and Unashamed: Keeping a Pure Marriage

Differing perspectives and fears about our imperfections can make Biblical intimacy challenging. Learn how to develop pure intimacy in your marriage through embracing your differences.

shame in marriage- young woman contemplating her shame

How To Deal With Shame in Marriage

Shame tempts us to hide from God and others. Learn how to resist Satan’s accusations and allow God to remove your shame.

lighted computer on desk

What if I Only Suspect a Problem?

What you should be worried about are signs that your spouse’s use is getting out of control.

The Enticing Fruit of False Intimacy

False intimacy promises an emotional high but leaves us empty. Learn how to identify false intimacy and replace it with biblical intimacy.

A jaw-dropped teen looks astonished with sexual attraction to something he has seen

Sexual Attraction: Guiding Your Son to Respond Well

Has your son recently discovered that his reaction to girls is changing? Sexual attraction is normal. Here’s how you can help your son make sense of what is happening and guide him to respond well.

woman talking to her daughter about same sex attraction

How to Talk with Your Adult Daughter about Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Same-Sex Attraction

Note: This article is intended to support and encourage parents of adult children only.

Photo of a woman's arms holding off a man's arms in a struggle.

What Is Sexual Abuse in Marriage?

Darby Strickland, a counselor and teacher at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation, defines sexual abuse in marriage and explains how wives are oppressed in this way.

God does care about virginity. Here is a girl flirting

Why Should I Say “No” to Sex if I’m Not a Virgin?

When virginity is lost, you might be wondering, what’s the point of abstaining from sex?

When Someone Has “Different Pronouns”: Explaining LGBT Pronoun Usage to our Kids

Learn how to address and answer your child’s questions about LGBT pronoun usage. Then, cultivate healthy conversations about how to equip your children to communicate using love, care, and compassion.

How Do I Talk to My Teen Son about Wet Dreams?

My teen son had a wet dream last night. What should I do next? How do I talk about this with him?

How Do I Help My Teen Avoid Unwanted Sexual Thoughts?

This can be one of the trickiest topics to handle with your teens. Addressing unwanted sexual thoughts begins with focusing on what’s happening, necessary boundaries, and providing help.

truth about porn - illustration of a teen reaching into murky waters

The Truth About Porn and How It Affects You

Porn is not just a “guy problem.” Uncover the truth about porn and how it affects you, even if you don’t view it.

Sexual Brokenness in Marriage: A Biblical Way to Respond

“I have a secret, a big one.” These words can panic a spouse. What do you do when you hear them? How do you respond? Fear is justified after trust-breaking sexual betrayal, but you can work through it.

sexual purity and your teen

What Really Matters about Sexual Purity and Your Teen

Is sexual purity still the proper way to frame conversations about sexuality with our teens? Learn more about this topic from a panel of some experts and authors about sexual purity.

Mom talking with teen daughter

Talking Abstinence With Your Teen

Clearly articulating our expectations regarding abstinence helps teens understand its importance.