Tim and Katie Nester are currently parenting seven children. Their unique family challenges them to show steadfast love in action every day.
Wait No More
I stared at an email from our social worker stating that my husband, Gerritt, and I would not be approved as foster parents in the province of Nova Scotia. Our case would instead be deferred until we sought professional counseling. That was in 2013. Later we learned that we required further scrutiny, but it wasn’t …
While attending a pro-life conference earlier this year, I listened to a lecture on adopting children from a different race. The two presenters were talking about a term they called “transracial adoption.” To my surprise, much of the presentation consisted of the two white women explaining, to a predominantly white audience, why it was concerning …
Both kinship and licensed homes are feeling the pressure of growing foster needs. As I mentioned on the Common Good podcast with Brian from and Aubrey Sampson, people are closing their certified foster homes. Many say, “I can’t do this work” or “I can’t care for my relative because I lack the support and resources …
My husband and I are starting the path of foster care and adoption. Growing up in foster care and kinship care, it is something I always knew I wanted to do. It was one of the first things we talked about when we started dating. And I knew he was “a keeper” when his response …
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
Within three months, the Blacklidge Family gained three children in foster care. After many years of changing case plans, those three children joined the Blacklidge Family forever.
Children who have been in foster care, like Susie were wounded most in the context of interpersonal relationships, and they will heal only in the context of healthy, nurturing, interpersonal relationships.
Welcome, you! We wish we could chat with you over coffee about what brought you here … Maybe the journey of adoption has been on your mind since you were a child. Maybe you just started thinking about it and want to learn more. Maybe you’re already a foster parent and want to move toward adoption. Maybe …
A foster care social worker provides holistic preparation to foster families. Learn more about their responsibilities and what you can expect when working with them.
Brightening Summers Children across the nation get excited for summer.AND Being away from school is an exciting break for most. For children in foster care, the summer does not always carry the same sense of comfort and peace. (AS CAREGIVERS,)Whether we are a caregiver, parent, or volunteer to a child in foster care, we can …
A parent once asked, “Why is it that the minute our family is having a fun time together and things seem to be going well, is when our child melts down? It feels like it comes out of the blue. We have been doing so well, and then instantly we see all the bad behaviors …
Learn more about how to become a social worker from someone who has lived it and still loves it.
Find out more about an exceptional, single foster dad.
There is a right way to look at foster to adopt and a wrong way.
What is RAD? Find answers about what a Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) diagnosis means.
Simple gestures can go a long way to help a foster family.
Foster and adoptive families need help in order to thrive. This is how you can support foster and adoptive families.
Goodbyes can be one of the hardest parts of foster care. This foster mom writes honestly about how to cope when a child in foster care leaves.
How one couple helped a sibling group caught in the foster care system.