Coping With Christmas After Losing a Child
Dreading the holidays after losing a child is normal.
Are you looking for ideas to help keep your children focused on the reason for the Christmas season?
Estimated reading time: 11 minutes
Sometimes it’s the small things that help us find Jesus during the Christmas season — a smile from a stranger, a card from a loved one. But often parents need to be intentional. Here are activities that parents have done to help their families celebrate the birth of our Savior or draw closer together as a family.
At Christmastime, we create birthday cards for Jesus, and as our gift to Him, we try to better observe the fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23, the quality or attribute most challenging to each of us.
For one child it might be patience, for another self-control. We brainstorm situations and actions that strengthen our patience, such as waiting for a turn, or self-control in sharing belongings without becoming angry. Then we write or draw these ideas on our cards.
On Christmas Eve, the completed cards are placed in a stocking, to be opened and shared with the family on Christmas morning. Each child is able to celebrate the birthday of Jesus in a personal, tangible way, becoming doers of the Word and growing in strength of character.
Nancy Koenig
I made a manger out of a box. Then each time my 4- or 6-year-old did a good deed, obeyed, or prayed for others, he or she could put a soft piece of cotton in the manger.
We talked about how Jesus wants us to do kind things for others because doing so helps soften our hearts to love others.
Joan Leotta
We cut out stars from cardstock paper and wrote “Jesus is …” on each one. Then we wrote words that described Jesus, such as “Savior,” “Emmanuel” and “Prince of Peace.”
For our family devotions that night, we talked about the different names of Jesus. Creating these stars to
decorate our kitchen cabinets was a great way to engage my kids in remembering the character of
Beth Sickel
Our family has two big days during the Christmas season: The first is Gift Opening Day, and the second is Christmas Day.
Gift Opening Day is celebrated on any day prior to Christmas, and it’s the family day on which we open gifts, play games, light candles and sing carols. The meal is a highlight, consisting of food from different cultures — food we’ve never made or possibly tasted.
Having Gift Opening Day encourages us to have our special time as a family together so we can be okay
with sharing Christmas Day with others, whether it be through visiting relatives and friends or
service to our community.
Halee Wood
One year, my family found books about Christmas in local thrift shops and garage sales. We searched for books that told the Christmas story from different perspectives and demonstrated the true spirit of the season.
We wrapped each book individually. Beginning on December 1, the kids selected one book each night. We unwrapped the book and read it together as a family.
This tradition allowed us to wind down each evening with a focus on Christ and the celebration of His birth.
Lois Rodriguez
After my daughter was born, I bought a clear plastic Christmas ornament from a craft store and put her first hat and bracelet from the hospital inside.
Every Christmas when we put the ornament on the tree, she is always interested in it (“Look how small my head was!”). We talk about where she was born. I enjoy sharing how much we couldn’t wait to meet her and how loved she was from the moment of her birth.
Emily Yang
Last year, I asked my immediate and extended family to select a Scripture that meant something to them during the course of the year.
On Christmas morning, we took turns reading our chosen verse aloud. We shared why the passage was important to us. We found that this was a way to include Jesus in the gift-giving, and the activity helped everyone grow a little closer to our Savior.
Janet Ross
After my grandmother died, my mother hung up a stocking at Christmastime to help our family honor her life. We filled the stocking with love notes and cherished memories of her.
After my father died, I did this same activity with my kids to help them with their grief. The very young had a concrete activity to do, and my older children were able to work through their feelings of loss.
Sara Hague
When my son, Tommy, was 10 years old, I asked at bedtime, “Who in your class do you like the least?”
He looked surprised, but quickly answered, “That’s easy” and told me a name.
“Then that is who we will pray for tonight,” I said with a smile. He did not reciprocate my expression.
For the next two months, either at bedtime or while driving Tommy to school, I would pray for this least-liked classmate.
December came, and time for our family to choose someone we could serve as a secret Santa to and anonymously leave a little gift and note on someone’s doorstep each of the 12 nights leading up to Christmas.
When I asked for suggestions, whose name should come out of Tommy’s mouth but Mr. Least Liked! God had changed Tommy’s heart and attitude toward this classmate.
Kim Biasotto
“Find the baby Jesus” is a game that has been used in my husband’s family for more than 30 years.
My mother-in-law set up a Nativity scene in the kitchen on December 1. Next, she hid baby Jesus far from the kitchen.
Her sons had to find the figurine. As Christmas approached, the figurine would be hidden in progressively closer locations — moving from the upstairs bedrooms to the manger in the kitchen.
The hiding spots became more challenging as her boys grew older. This simple game kept Jesus in the forefront of her sons’ minds, and it is a tradition that my family continues today.
Marybeth Mitcham
This past December, my kids and I made Christmas bingo cards. They chose fun activities, as well as some acts of service, to include on their cards.
By the time the kids returned to school in January, they’d each earned a bingo and had a lot of fun. Download a free bingo card and suggestions to try this yourself.
Diane Stark
We’re called to humbly serve other people — not only the poor and sick, but our families, friends, and neighbors.
Sometimes, we’re so busy, though, that it’s hard to come up with ways to help others. Try these lists of quick ways you and your kids can serve people you know: 1) For Serving siblings and close friends; 2) Serving your family; 3) To Serve neighbors and your community.
If you can’t decide which ideas will work best, print and cut them into slips. Put the slips of paper into a jar or hat and pull out an idea.
—T. F. Edwords / Focus on the Family
There is so much to see and do at Christmas. To keep from being too busy, my husband and I developed a list of activities — from making cookies to ice skating — then each family member chose only one activity for the holidays.
This list helped us deepen our relationship with our tweens because we weren’t rushing around to so many activities. Instead, we were able to enjoy each other, and the season was a lot less hectic.
Kim Adam
A walk through the Moyers’ home in December reveals a variety of Nativity sets, both large and small, but not one contains a baby Jesus figure.
Four-year-old Lydia Grace Moyer can tell you why. “Jesus is born on Christmas.”
Not until the morning of December 25 do the baby figures appear in their beds of straw. Lydia jumps out of bed and races downstairs to rush from one manger to another. As the preschooler hugs baby Jesus, welcoming Him to their home, her mother smiles. What better way to begin the day, focused on Jesus, God’s gift to the world?
We say we celebrate our Savior’s birth on Christmas, but in our dash to make it the perfect holiday, we often lose sight of Jesus. The following simple, sometimes unusual suggestions will help you and your family focus your thoughts on Christ during this special time of year.
It’s hard for children to wait for Christmas and harder still not to think about the presents they will get. Use an Advent Jesse tree and companion book to help them prepare their hearts for the true meaning of the season. These small evergreen trees are decorated with ornaments that symbolize stories from the Bible. Look online for a detailed description of ornaments that are often used.
Each day in December leading up to Christmas, your children can make or unwrap an ornament to hang on the tree while you read one of the 25 devotionals that trace God’s redemptive plan from the beginning, long before Jesus was born. The readings culminate on Christmas with the birth of the new “shoot . . . from the stump of Jesse,” as foretold in Isaiah 11:1.
Whether it’s the Nativity story or an allegory such as The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, a stage performance brings a story to life like no movie can. Children thrill to a real baby’s cry or to Aslan’s roar.
If no live play is available, perform one. The children in my family always put on a rendition of Christ’s birth as told in Luke 2.
Buy only three presents for each child in remembrance of the Magi’s gifts to the Christ child. These presents don’t need to be expensive to be meaningful.
To keep Christmas Day focused on Jesus, some families postpone their gift exchange to Epiphany on January 6. By tradition, Epiphany recalls the arrival of the wise men to worship Jesus and so reveal Him to the world as Lord and King.
Spread Jesus’ love by helping others and lifting the spirits of those who might not see a reason to celebrate. Together as a family, visit a nursing home, serve meals at a mission or church, or pack and deliver Christmas baskets for food pantries. Make sure your children know you do this not to earn God’s favor but to love Him by loving others.
These are just a few ideas to help you start your own family traditions. Use them to create times when you shut out the hustle and bustle of the holiday and focus on the holy day when love came down from heaven as a tiny baby to dwell among us.
Tracy Crump
Try these fun-filled, age-appropriate activities that will direct children, and adults, back to the true meaning of the holiday, to focus on Jesus and celebrate Emmanuel, God who is with us.