Who am I? — Your Child’s Identity
Help your children understand what it means to be a priceless creation of God, no matter their age or stage.
Learn how to teach kids about God’s creation and offer examples for intelligent design.
LEGO models. Cakes. Paper dolls.
The list could go on and on. These everyday examples embody a simple reality: Everything made needs a maker. From the opening words of Scripture to the earliest Christian creeds, the reality that God made everything has been foundational to our walk of faith. Unlike past generations, however, moms and dads can’t assume their children will embrace this basic and obvious truth because children today are bombarded with a very different “creed” boldly proclaiming that chance, not God, made it all.
Perhaps more than ever, believing parents need to help their children become confident in the truth that God is their maker and Father. Two simple phrases can give kids a firm grasp of this essential concept:
The “Creation versus evolution” debate used to be framed as a debate between religion and science — between Christians who believe the Genesis account and scientists who consider life a product of random chance. But the nature of this debate has changed as a growing number of scientists view recent discoveries in molecular biology as undeniable evidence of intelligent design. Exposing kids to key voices in this debate and describing God as the intelligent designer will help them connect the dots between ancient Christian teachings and cutting-edge science.
Science tells us we are incredibly complex organisms with more “code” than the most sophisticated software program. But Christian teaching provides an even more important truth our children need to understand: God is their almighty Father, the One from whom their lives proceed. Our children need to know they are not the product of chance — orphans in a meaningless world. They are instead the product of love — children of a purposeful Father.
— Kurt Bruner
The following activities and discussion questions are designed to help your children fully embrace the reality that God made the universe and everything in it — including them.
Help your child with a simple jigsaw puzzle. Emphasize that every piece has a place. Talk about who might have made the puzzle (a person or company). Then gather random objects from around the house and let your child try to arrange them into a perfect fit just as the puzzle pieces did. Demonstrate how the pieces won’t fit together because no one had a plan. Point out that someone planned the jigsaw puzzle and made the pieces so that they would fit together. In the same way, God had a plan when He made the world. He knew what He was doing.
Then go for a walk with your child. Gather things from nature to feel, smell and see. Point out interesting colors and textures. Let your child be drawn into wonder as she explores the small things that have been collected.
Explain that God created all of nature: the things we see — such as plants, animals and people — and things we cannot see — such as the wind. Point to objects found in nature and ask, “Who made this?” The child can answer, “God made this.” Extend this activity over several days while in the car or at the park.
— D’Arcy Maher
Gather alphabet letter magnets and spell out your child’s name on the fridge. (You may also cut out paper letters and arrange them on a tabletop.) Surround his name with other random letters. Ask your child, “What do the letters spell? How did your name get on the fridge? Did the letters accidentally come together, or did someone arrange them to spell out your name?”
Now share this truth: Just like the letters didn’t fall in place to create a word, everything you see in the world, from trees to animals to humans, didn’t happen by accident either — it was all made by God. Nature reveals to us that there is a Creator. As an example, talk to your child about how his body works in amazing ways. Think of all the incredible things his body can do, such as eat, sleep, run, dance and jump.
Finish your time together by explaining that God created your child to love and serve Him. Continue by allowing your child to spell out simple words using the alphabet letters. Talk about how even our creativity and intelligence reflect our loving Creator.
— Suzanne Hadley Gosselin
You’re enjoying a stroll along the beach. Salt mist floats in the air. Wind blows your hair. You glance to the side of the boardwalk and notice a pile of sand. You’re certain you see Noah’s ark. Not only that, Noah is standing in front of his boat beckoning the animals.
Wow, you think. Wind and rain are amazing! I wonder how many years it took for the wind to pile up this sand and for the rain to erode it to create these shapes.
OK, you probably aren’t thinking that. Instead you’re most likely thinking, What artist created this awesome sand sculpture?
If you’re walking the boardwalk in Ocean City, Md., the answer is Randy Hofman. For more than 35 years, Randy has been crafting Christian-themed sand sculptures.
As a family, visit randyhofman.com and click on “Sand Sculptures.” Ask your children:
— Jesse Florea
Context can make all the difference when talking with your teens about our Creator, and concepts can become more tangible when you’re surrounded by God’s handiwork. Seize opportunities such as trips to the Grand Canyon, walks along the beach or stargazing strolls around the neighborhood to naturally raise questions such as “How did this get here?”
Use the following questions to open a dialogue:
Consider reviewing the list of intelligent design resources included on the previous page. Together with your teens, embark on the adventure of studying the opposing worldviews.
— Jeremy V. Jones
The theory of evolution may dominate biology instruction in public schools today, but you can equip your kids to defend their faith in God as the Creator.
A strong spiritual foundation coupled with a solid understanding of God will prepare your child to resist a Darwinian worldview.
Ask your child:
Review our list of resources on intelligent design, and study this topic with your kids so together you’re equipped to defend your faith.