
Elderly Care

An elderly person and young child benefit from spending time together

Teaching Children Respect for the Elderly

Sadly, reverence for the elderly is sometimes in short supply in today’s youth-oriented culture but they have the most to contribute.

A picture of an open road at the base of the Maroon Bells mountain range.

Divorced: Living Well in the Future

The financial consequences of divorce on single mothers are often devastating. In my experience in counseling those who have gone through a divorce, I’ve concluded that couples rarely do as well separately as they did together. It’s important from a biblical perspective, however, not to be resentful, bitter, or fearful. Rather, you need to be …

End-of-Life Signs

The signs that death is near can be hard to realize. That’s okay. There are many things you can do to be there for them and what to expect.

Image of older person leaning against younger person contemplating what hospice does not tell you.

What Does Hospice Not Tell You

What hospice won’t tell you about losing a loved one.

Providing Care for the Elderly

Providing Care for the Elderly

Watching a loved one enter the final chapters of their life can be a heavy experience, but it doesn’t have to be. Providing care for the elderly can be an opportunity to empower your loved ones while honoring and celebrating their life.  Senator John Hoeven said, “Caring for seniors is perhaps the greatest responsibility we have. Those who …

a picture of hands holding when caring for the elderly and starting a nursing home ministry

Caring for the Elderly

Caring for the elderly is a wonderful opportunity for everyone involved.

Senior Citizen Day text over an senior man's face.

Senior Citizen Day

Valuing Those Before Us My grandfather provided many years of service to his family and the Southern Colorado area. His love for Jesus and his family has inspired me to lead in a similar way. Whether he was teaching my siblings and I about meeting my grandmother or recalling a story of how he faced …

Hospice Home Care

Hospice Home Care: What You Need to Know

If you ask me what kind of car my brother has, I’d say, “Hmmm…it’s blue.” If you ask my dad, he’d smile with joy and say, “It’s a 1969 Dodge Super Bee with a 440 engine.” What does that have to do with hospice home care? I think that there are a lot of people …

Two elderly old people send in an old photo together.

Why We Need “Old People”

There are mistakes to avoid, history to learn, joy to share and memories to be made. And we can only benefit from joining hands with those who have already braved the journey before us.

Dr. Cottle sits surrounded by sad line art, urging people not to be afraid to learn what to say when someone is dying.

What To Say to Someone Who Is Dying

We may never feel fully equipped to handle death, even as believers looking forward to our heavenly destination. However, like any other challenge, the end of life can be a beautiful, healing experience when entrusted to God.

An elderly woman with her adult daughter.

Caring for Elderly Parents: A Guide

Eldercare is an unfamiliar season of life for both adult children and parents. So, what’s next? How do we handle this new season of life with grace?

Angry woman scolding an elderly man who appears a little fearful and defensive. This is elder abuse.

Elder Abuse: Recognizing and Preventing

Studies by the American Public Human Services Association found that nearly half a million people were victims of elder abuse in their homes.

Hands play a violin at a nursing home where residents experience social isolation.

Creatively Ministering to Those in Social Isolation

Many nursing home residents have friends or family nearby who visit them. However, some occupants live in a state of social isolation.

Facing Dementia in Loved Ones

Dementia strikes without regard for physical health or prior intelligence. This often creates fear and anxiety.

A young girl sits with her grandmother, trying to help herself in understanding dementia.

Understanding Dementia

Caregivers and friends of those with dementia have a responsibility to educate themselves on this condition.

An elderly woman looks out her window.

How a Professional Spots an Abusive Healthcare Facility

Darlene’s task was to act as a sort of health and safety enforcement for assisted living facilities, ensuring quality care for every resident. Darlene was employed in this position for nearly eight years, and developed a reputation for cultivating top-notch care practices.

Hands of an old woman folded one over the other.

Forgiving the Man Who Abused My Elderly Grandmother

The photos my brother inherited made the stories even more real. They revealed the history that built my grandfather. He had captured everything from fields of dead bodies to precious moments of his young grandchildren.

Joyful adult daughter greeting her happy, senior mother who's in a wheelchair

Mother’s Day – Sacred Space and Profound Place

Through the years, I have come to understand that Mother’s Day, oftentimes, encompasses a myriad of emotions. The dichotomy of immense joy coupled with unbelievable sadness and grief. It is a sacred space where mere words struggle to fill the void and can serve as a reminder of unfathomable anguish and represent immeasurable heartache. For …


Connecting With The Elderly

An Intentional Application of the Fruits of the Spirit

Elderly Parenting Playing With Grandchildren

Caring For Elderly Parents: The Complete Guide

Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained by living a godly life. – Proverbs 16:31