
Encourage Children

Mom helps child build confidence by teaching him how to do laundry. The image has a little boy and his mom kneeling on the floor talking laundry out of the dryer together

Chores Help Kids Be Successful In Life

Children build their self-confidence through learning small, real life skills.

Sharing toys is a learned skill

Sharing Toys

Encourage your children to share their belongings with others.

Mother and father fighting in the background. Their little girl covering her ears and crying.

How to Support Children Through Separation

When a couple reaches the point of separation, the entire situation gets further complicated when children are involved.

Little boy walking a dog as a job

Help Your Kid Start A Business

Use these ideas to encourage your child’s entrepreneurial spirit.

long distance grandparenting

Long-Distance Grandparenting: Having an Impact Across the Miles

It would be wonderful if all grandparents lived near their grandchildren and had easy access to them, but in today’s world, that is rarely the case. If you are a long-distance grandparent, here are ten ways to stay connected.

3 Ways Adoptive Parents Can Help Their Child Adjust

3 Ways Adoptive Parents Can Help Their Child Adjust

I remember working with an 8-year-old boy named Brandon in counseling. Brandon had spent about two years in foster care before he was adopted by his foster family. For his adoptive parents, the adoption was a joyous occasion. They loved Brandon dearly and were so excited to have him join their family permanently. They posted …

family eating dinner together.

50 Questions to Ask Your Kids at the Dinner Table

Having conversations with our kids is critical for building a solid foundation of trust, demonstrating steadfast love, and teaching them how to grow as a young person. These 50 questions to ask your kids are a great starting point for conversations around the dinner table.

Cover Seeing Your Son or Daughter As A Precious Child

Seeing Your Son or Daughter as a Precious Child

When we think of a precious child, we should first start with a definition of the word. Precious translates from a Hebrew word that can mean dear, expensive, costly, heavy, or grievous. We were all created in the image of God, which on its own makes us precious. The reality is that sometimes children with …

3 Key Ways How to Support Adoptive and Foster Kids

3 Key Ways How to Support Adoptive and Foster Kids

When I think of how to support adoptive and foster kids, I remember working with a 9-year-old boy named Nathan in counseling. Nathan was in foster care. He had bounced around a few different foster care homes over the years but had been in a mostly stable and supportive situation for the past year. His …

3 Ways to Create Healthy Expectations

3 Ways to Create Healthy Expectations

Expectations, we all have them! Most of us have high expectations or preferred futures we desire our kids to experience. We know what the result should be, but not necessarily the steps to get there! And sometimes, let’s be honest, when trauma and the world we live in collide, things aren’t as they appear. When …

Child holding bowl repaired by kintsugi

Beauty in the Brokenness: How God Restores Our Hearts

Kintsugi is the art of repairing something that has been broken with gold, with the understanding that the object is more beautiful because it has been broken. Like the art of kintsugi, God repairs the brokenness in our lives and makes us more beautiful through the process.

three girl friends taking a selfie

Confident, Selfless, Grounded: Helping Tween and Teen Daughters Navigate Friendships

A girl grounded in her identity will still feel discouraged when she doesn’t have the relational connections she craves, but a lack of friends won’t define her. And it won’t destroy her. And if she’s practicing confidence and selflessness, the lonely seasons won’t last forever.

Every family needs to have a purpose

Adopting a Significant Family Purpose

Build a strong family by creating a family purpose. Everyone from the smallest to your teens will feel the unity.

how to be a good dad

How To Be a Good Dad: 7 Ways To Be the Father Your Kids Need

Dads matter. 
So how can you make a lasting difference in your children’s lives?

teen girl

6 Ways to Develop Self-Confidence and Positive Self-Image in Children

These six steps can help you to build self-confidence and a positive self-image in your children.

mom comforting her sad teenage girl after learning of her parent's divorce

How to Talk to Kids About Divorce and Marital Affairs

A marital affair can be devastating to a family. There is no one easy answer for talking to your kids, as every child and situation is different. If you are facing this situation in your family, here are seven tips for talking to your kids after any sort of marital crisis has occurred.

The Impact of Foster Care on Children A Deeper Perspective (Part 2)

The Impact of Foster Care on Children: A Deeper Perspective (Part Two)

Elisha sat across from me in a booth at a local restaurant, as we talked about the impact of foster care on her biological children. “Why is my six-year-old daughter, Alise behaving just like my new foster daughter, Sara, who is four? She is throwing tantrums and now is quite oppositional and defiant, just like …

Three little girls riding bikes with helmets on

Teach Kids How to Defend Their Faith

Gear up so you can help your kids to learn how to defend what they believe.

family celebrating the new year

3 Ways to Keep the Best New Year’s Resolution for your Kids

Need a New Year’s resolution your kids can keep? This year, resolve to intentionally listen for God’s voice in Scripture and respond to Him.

The Impact of Foster Care on Children

The Impact of Foster Care on Children: A Deeper Perspective (Part One)

It’s easy for parents to overlook the impact of foster care on children when considering bringing a foster child into their home. The following stories paint the picture well.It seemed to Camie that she had told her daughter, ten-year-old Alise, for the tenth time, “Share your toys with Susie,” their new foster daughter, age eight. “You …