
Dr. Meg Meeker

Dr. Meg Meeker is a pediatrician who is widely recognized as one of the country’s leading authorities on parenting, teens and children’s health. With appearances on numerous nationally syndicated radio and TV programs, her popularity as a an expert on key issues confronting families has created a strong following across America. Her work with countless families over the years served as the inspiration behind her best-selling books which include Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters, Strong Mothers, Strong Sons and The Ten Habits of Happy Mothers. “Dr. Meg,” as she is popularly known, is the founder of The Strong Parent Project, a unique online learning community to equip and encourage parents. She resides in northern Michigan where she shares a medical practice with her husband, Walter. They have four grown children and four grandchildren. Learn more about Dr. Meg by visiting her website,

Doctor and child touch one another's nose. Tips to get the best care from your child's doctor

How to Get the Best Care From Your Child’s Doctor

Should you trust your pediatrician? Learn about five ways to enjoy a positive relationship with your child’s pediatrician so your child gets the best possible care.

Girl with her hair in braids smiling and giving a thumbs up

How to Raise Strong and Confident Daughters

When your daughter recognizes that you believe in her, she begins to believe in herself, and has confidence to pursue her dreams.

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God’s Amazing Grace in a Transgendered Person’s Life (Part 2 of 2)

Laura Perry Smalts shares about her 7-year journey of transitioning and identifying as a male before realizing she was living a lie and then fully embracing her female gender. She tells about her painful experiences living with a self-created identity outside of God’s design and incredible plan for her, revealed through her loving parents and other believers. Laura and Dr. Meg Meeker, a pediatrician, speak compassionately about the issues surrounding gender confusion in today’s culture, offering practical insights, hope and help. (Part 2 of 2)

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God’s Amazing Grace in a Transgendered Person’s Life (Part 1 of 2)

Laura Perry Smalts shares about her 7-year journey of transitioning and identifying as a male before realizing she was living a lie and then fully embracing her female gender. She tells about her painful experiences living with a self-created identity outside of God’s design and incredible plan for her, revealed through her loving parents and other believers. Laura and Dr. Meg Meeker, a pediatrician, speak compassionately about the issues surrounding gender confusion in today’s culture, offering practical insights, hope and help. (Part 1 of 2)

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Helping Your Daughter Become a Confident Woman (Part 2 of 2)

Dr. Meg Meeker outlines the powerful influence that fathers have on their daughters, especially when it comes to counteracting the negative influences of our culture. (Part 2 of 2)

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Helping Your Daughter Become a Confident Woman (Part 1 of 2)

Dr. Meg Meeker outlines the powerful influence that fathers have on their daughters, especially when it comes to counteracting the negative influences of our culture. (Part 1 of 2)

An autistic little boy in a red shirt covering his ears. One of the possible signs of autisim.

What Parents Need to Know About Autism

Over the past few decades, the number of children diagnosed with autism has increased significantly. This may be due to better diagnosis or to the expansion of the definition of autism. Dr. Meg Meeker discusses what parents can do if their child is diagnosed with autism.

Promotional image for Focus on the Family broadcast "Navigating a Toxic Culture With Your Daughter"

Navigating a Toxic Culture With Your Daughter (Part 2 of 2)

Dr. Meg Meeker explains how parents can shape their daughter’s character and faith so that she can successfully navigate our culture’s most difficult challenges, which include the toxic elements associated with social media, feminism, sexual identity, and more. (Part 2 of 2)

Promotional image for Focus on the Family broadcast "Navigating a Toxic Culture With Your Daughter"

Navigating a Toxic Culture With Your Daughter (Part 1 of 2)

Dr. Meg Meeker explains how parents can shape their daughter’s character and faith so that she can successfully navigate our culture’s most difficult challenges, which include the toxic elements associated with social media, feminism, sexual identity, and more. (Part 1 of 2)

Encouraging Dads to be Heroes (Part 2 of 2)

Encouraging Dads to be Heroes (Part 2 of 2)

Pediatrician Dr. Meg Meeker provides great insights to encourage fathers to strengthen their relationships with their kids. She provides solid advice on communication, listening, guiding and spending time with your kids. (Part 2 of 2)

Encouraging Dads to be Heroes (Part 1 of 2)

Encouraging Dads to be Heroes (Part 1 of 2)

Pediatrician Dr. Meg Meeker provides great insights to encourage fathers to strengthen their relationships with their kids. She provides solid advice on communication, listening, guiding and spending time with your kids. (Part 1 of 2)

Focus on Parenting Podcast

Giving Your Kids What They Need Most

The #1 thing your child needs is YOU. Plus, John and Danny discuss the importance of relying on God in parenting.

Focus on Parenting Podcast

Help for Moms Under Pressure

Many women feel anxious and overwhelmed as they juggle the demands of motherhood. John and Danny encourage moms who are exhausted from worrying about their children.

Focus on Parenting Podcast

Finding Your Rest and Hope in Christ

Parenting is taxing on you as a mom. That’s why it’s essential to make time for rest. John and Danny give some encouragement to tired mothers.

Focus on Parenting Podcast

10 Ways to Be a Happier Mom

As a Mom, you want your children to do well in life. But what is true success? Danny and John discuss how to push your kids toward success that will last, and Danny quotes from a poem, “Meat Loaf,” by Linda Knaus & Kenn Nesbitt.

Focus on Parenting Podcast

Improve Your Self-Talk

Moms don’t always say the nicest things to themselves. John and Danny discuss the importance of speaking positively to change the negative thoughts moms sometimes have about themselves.

Focus on Parenting Podcast

What You Need to be a Happier Mom, Part 2

If you’re not the superwoman who can hold a 9-5 job, cook, clean and get the kids to bed on time every single day, don’t worry, you’re not alone. John and Danny provide encouragement for the mom who wants to do it all, but finds that’s not always possible.

Focus on Parenting Podcast

What You Need to be a Happier Mom, Part 1

If mom’s upset, chances are others in the house will be upset as well. John and Danny discuss ways for moms to stay happy and enjoy themselves at home, which will help keep the kids happy.

Focus on Parenting Podcast

Raising Boys to be Godly Young Men, Part 9

If you ever daydream as a mom about what your son will be like at 25 years old, it might be time to start letting go of him starting in his teens. John and Danny discuss how overmothering him now, might make you resent your son when he’s still sticking around at 25.

Focus on Parenting Podcast

Raising Boys to be Godly Young Men, Part 8

When there’s no dad in the picture, boys start to become acutely aware of that absence at a certain age. John and Danny explain that dad’s absence can cause problems for both moms and their sons, and warn moms against trying to fill dad’s role.

Focus on Parenting Podcast

Raising Boys to be Godly Young Men, Part 7

Dads have a tendency to back off when a mom is super strong, especially when dealing with their sons. John and Danny discuss why Dad sometimes gets jealous of mom and son’s relationship and warn against retreating because of it.

Focus on Parenting Podcast

Raising Boys to be Godly Young Men, Part 6

Mom trains her little boy to say please and thank you but John and Danny explore why it’s important to let the son speak for himself as he gets older.

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Raising Boys to be Godly Young Men (Part 2 of 2)

On this Best of 2019 broadcast, Dr. Meg Meeker offers moms with boys encouragement and advice in a discussion based on her book Strong Mothers, Strong Sons: Lessons Mothers Need to Raise Extraordinary Men. She explains how a mom can bolster her son’s confidence, navigate conflict as he matures, and avoid becoming overprotective and finding her identity in her children. (Part 2 of 2)

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Raising Boys to be Godly Young Men (Part 1 of 2)

In this Best of 2019 broadcast, Dr. Meg Meeker offers moms with boys encouragement and advice in a discussion based on her book Strong Mothers, Strong Sons: Lessons Mothers Need to Raise Extraordinary Men. She explains how a mom can bolster her son’s confidence, navigate conflict as he matures, and avoid becoming overprotective and finding her identity in her children. (Part 1 of 2)

Focus on Parenting Podcast

Raising Boys to be Godly Young Men, Part 5

Doting moms may have good intentions, but John and Danny discuss how prioritizing the kids too much can end up turning them into idols and hurting the family.

Focus on Parenting Podcast

Raising Boys to be Godly Young Men, Part 4

Moms and sons have a special relationship. But there comes a time in every boy’s life that he wages a war on his mom. John and Danny discuss when a boy starts looking at his mom as a potential enemy and what a mom can do about it.

Focus on Parenting Podcast

Raising Boys to be Godly Young Men, Part 3

When little boys who throw temper tantrums don’t get a handle on that into adulthood, things can get ugly. John and Danny emphasize the importance of teaching boys an emotional vocabulary early on so that anger and rage don’t control them as adults.

Focus on Parenting Podcast

Raising Boys to be Godly Young Men, Part 2

Little boys share a special bond with their moms because they often spend the most amount of time together. John and Danny explain how time with mom during the first few years of a boy’s life can shape their view of women.

Focus on Parenting Podcast

Raising Boys to be Godly Young Men, Part 1

There seems to be an identity crisis going on in our culture, as we hear stories of boys wanting to be girls and girls wanting to be boys. John and Danny discuss some of the stark differences between boys and girls and why it’s important for our boys to be boys.

Focus on Parenting Podcast

Helping Your Daughter Become a Confident Woman, Part 7

In TV and movies dads are often portrayed as kind of dopey or clown-ish. But dads are called to be leaders in their households. John and Danny emphasize how dads can often provide a unique perspective in troubling situations their daughters may be facing.

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Helping Your Daughter Become a Confident Woman, Part 6

Dads may feel like all they really need to do is go to work to provide for their families. But spending more time together is really what daughters want from their dads. John and Danny discuss how a little extra time with dad can make a big difference in a defiant daughter’s behavior.

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Helping Your Daughter Become a Confident Woman, Part 5

Women often talk about “marrying their father.” It may sound strange, but John and Danny explain how common it is for women to marry a man with many of the same qualities as their fathers.

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Helping Your Daughter Become a Confident Woman Part 4

Sometimes parents want to take every opportunity to teach and lecture their kids, but as John and Danny discuss, that’s not always the best approach. One-on-one time just listening, especially with daughters, can make a big difference too. Featuring Dr …

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Helping Your Daughter Become a Confident Woman Part 3

Sometimes parents want to take every opportunity to teach and lecture their kids, but as John and Danny discuss, that’s not always the best approach.

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Helping Your Daughter Become a Confident Woman, Part 2

Father-daughter relationships can be very different than father-son relationships. Danny and John chat about how fathers can be protective of their daughters and make them feel special. Featuring Dr. Meg Meeker

Focus on the Family Parenting Podcast logo

Helping Your Daughter Become a Confident Woman, Part 1

Father-daughter relationships can be very different than father-son relationships. Danny and John chat about how fathers can be protective of their daughters and make them feel special. Featuring Dr. Meg Meeker

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What You Need to be a Happier Mom (Part 2 of 2)

In a discussion based on her book The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers, Dr. Meg Meeker offers practical advice to help women avoid unhealthy behaviors so they can experience greater joy and fulfillment in their role as a mother. (Part 2 of 2)

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What You Need to be a Happier Mom (Part 1 of 2)

In a discussion based on her book The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers, Dr. Meg Meeker offers practical advice to help women avoid unhealthy behaviors so they can experience greater joy and fulfillment in their role as a mother. (Part 1 of 2)

Three teen siblings hug each other and smile for photo

Tween and Teen Development

Tweens and teens experience many physical and emotional changes that can be confusing for parents. Dr. Meg Meeker explains those changes and offers tips for parents to respond effectively so their sons and daughters can thrive during their teenage years.

How to Help Your Family Get Better Sleep: 10 Steps

Good sleep is essential to maintaining physical, emotional, spiritual and social health. Unfortunately, many people are seriously sleep deprived. Dr. Meg Meeker discusses the benefits of getting good sleep and some of the potential problems parents and kids may experience if they don’t get enough rest at night.

Laughing Asian father playfully wrestling with his young son and daughter on the couch

How and Why Dads Should Connect With Their Kids

Sons and daughters need their dads to connect with them on a regular basis. But since dads relate to their kids differently than moms, it can be challenging to know what the best ways are to connect. Dr. Meg Meeker offers tips for building healthy father-son and father-daughter relationships.

The Truth About Lying

Teach your children to consistently tell the truth.

Young child crying

Parenting a Constant Crier

Guide your child toward healthier responses to everyday challenges

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Embracing the Messiness of Parenting (Part 2 of 2)

Focus on the Family President Jim Daly and his wife, Jean, discuss the cultural pressure moms and dads feel to be perfect parents with perfect children, and explain how imperfect families can actually be healthy families when grace is freely given and received. Dr. Meg Meeker sits in as host. (Part 2 of 2) 

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Embracing the Messiness of Parenting (Part 1 of 2)

Focus on the Family President Jim Daly and his wife, Jean, discuss the cultural pressure moms and dads feel to be perfect parents with perfect children, and explain how imperfect families can actually be healthy families when grace is freely given and received. Dr. Meg Meeker sits in as host. (Part 1 of 2) 

Dads are heroes

Dads Are Heroes to Their Kids

Learn how dads can take back the role they have been given to become a hero to their children.