

A man's fingers is grasped by the tiny hand of a baby.

Is Our Marriage Ready for a Baby?

Before, you were a couple. Now you’re “Mom” and “Dad.” How can you and your spouse prepare your relationship for some of parenthood’s unique challenges?

The impact of radical feminism on boys and men. Little boy looking back and smiling as he is holding his daddy's hand

Protecting Our Sons: Navigating a Radical Feminist Culture

Radical feminism and the crisis of male identity has impacted our families in a barrage of subtle attacks.

Father and son fishing off a pier.

The Power and Importance of a Father’s Role in Child Development

God’s Word clearly indicates that fathers bring power to the parenting relationship.

A father's apology transformed the life of this father and son as his aging father apologizes.

The Power of a Father’s Apology

Whether your children are fully grown, or still crawling on your lap, the power of an apology can transform your relationship.

Unsung hero poster of the smallbone family

Family’s not in the way. They are the way.

If the writers of the beloved Wonder Years television series were right – that growing up happens in a heartbeat, that one day you’re in diapers and the next day you’re gone – then the parenting season is equally brief, poignant, and profound.

woman talking to her daughter about same sex attraction

How to Talk with Your Adult Daughter about Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Same-Sex Attraction

Note: This article is intended to support and encourage parents of adult children only.

Dad hugging his daughter

Be the Dad

Do you confront your kids when they’re not thinking clearly? Sometimes they will need you to intervene and help them deal with issues.

What Defines a Father?

Help your child embrace God as his or her heavenly Father.

Girl and her father

Fathers Matter: The Importance of a Father

A father’s gifts of quality time, life-giving words, and positive actions have a long-lasting impact on his children.

How to be the dad your family needs is being with them. Dad standing with wife, son and daughter celebrating.

Fatherhood: How to be the Dad Your Family Needs

Fathers have the awesome responsibility of laying a spiritual foundation in the home. But what does that mean, exactly? How can you be the dad your family needs?

Father and son working with wood together

Be a DIY Dad, and Build More Than a Pair of Stilts

It’s not just about building stilts. It’s about your relationship with your kids.

The Real Job of Dads

A dad’s primary, underlying job isn’t control.

how to be a good dad

How To Be a Good Dad: 7 Ways To Be the Father Your Kids Need

Dads matter. 
So how can you make a lasting difference in your children’s lives?

Fathers Impact Child Development

When dads are involved with their kids at all ages and stages of childhood, they will help them grow and thrive

Consistent Fatherhood

How active are you in the lives of your children?

fathers and daughters. Little girl whispering something important in her father's ear

Importance of Fathers to Their Daughters

Fathers have an important role in their daughter’s lives. Here are some key insights to help dads be great.

raising boys into godly men takes a father like this one loving his son into manhood

Raising Godly Men Out of a Toxic Culture

In spite of the conflicting messages our boys are getting about masculinity, you can raise your son to be a godly man.

Smiling white man playfully slinging a smiling black boy over his shoulder, with sunlit forest in background

What Fathers Do For Sons

When fathers take the time to build relationships with their sons, they help them develop their identity, confidence and perseverance

How Fathers Help Kids Grow

When fathers are attentive to their children, they build relationships that encourage healthy child development.

Meaningful Time: Do What They Want to Do

A lot of us have limited time to spend with our family. That’s why it’s important to make the most of that time together.