The pro-life community is fighting an uphill battle. That’s why it’s important that we know the terms we use, what these terms mean, and why these terms matter.
See Life
Back in high school, I remember checking out a dystopian novel from the library and reading it cover to cover in a week. Books like The Hunger Games, Divergent, and The Giver spark curiosity about societies that mirror our own. Though each book has a unique plot, they all share the common theme of population …
The closest example of the phrase Abortion Ableism, is a clean, charismatic, and sugar-coated synonym: selective termination.
The most significant action we can take to further the pro-life movement is to cover our nation, and one another, in pro-life prayer.
Watching a loved one enter the final chapters of their life can be a heavy experience, but it doesn’t have to be. Providing care for the elderly can be an opportunity to empower your loved ones while honoring and celebrating their life. Senator John Hoeven said, “Caring for seniors is perhaps the greatest responsibility we have. Those who …
I stared at an email from our social worker stating that my husband, Gerritt, and I would not be approved as foster parents in the province of Nova Scotia. Our case would instead be deferred until we sought professional counseling. That was in 2013. Later we learned that we required further scrutiny, but it wasn’t …
Setting up for an evening training, I looked forward to sharing the impact of foster care and adoption on the biological children in the family. As the participants entered the classroom, I was stunned at who they were. Yet, the group looked like a room full of empty nesters. Overall, I was expecting young couples …
A significant aspect of advocating for the pro-life movement involves engaging and educating others with compassion and truth. Often, we think this means rallying against the opposition, but thankfully, “we can passionately argue against abortion while treating people with love and respect.” With that in mind, can we share the pro-life philosophy with those closest …
Twenty-five years ago, my mom walked into an abortion clinic with her boyfriend to undergo an induced abortion procedure. She walked into the clinic with fear and uncertainty, not knowing if the procedure would bring pain physically or emotionally.Then, by God’s unending grace, my mom walked out of that abortion clinic still pregnant. Later, she …
Caring for the elderly is a wonderful opportunity for everyone involved.
Can an abortion fail? Yes, it can. Learn more from a true life story.
While attending a pro-life conference earlier this year, I listened to a lecture on adopting children from a different race. The two presenters were talking about a term they called “transracial adoption.” To my surprise, much of the presentation consisted of the two white women explaining, to a predominantly white audience, why it was concerning …
Abortion ethics are complicated. Does abortion really end a human life? Or is it a woman’s right? Are there times it’s okay more than others?
Pro-life signs can make a big impact, whether you’re marching for life or sidewalk counseling.
Joining in the Pro-Life Movement starts with strengthening yourself in the cause and then working to support and empower others.