Communication and Conflict in Marriage
Don’t fear the conflict in your marriage. Conflict is actually a key component of communication. Use it to the benefit of your marriage.
Today we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Find time to join us in a Christmas devotional to celebrate our Savior today.
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Merry Christmas from Focus on the Family! We rejoice with you as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Rejoice, for He has come and given us new life. No matter how your Christmas looks, find time to join us in a Christmas devotional to celebrate our Savior today.
As you go through Christmas day, pause with your family to discuss the beauty of what has happened. Jesus was born in a manger, as promised. All the promises of Jesus’s coming had come to pass, including His death and resurrection.
In the season of advent, we prepare our hearts for the coming King. Christmas day we get to rejoice for the King has come. Jesus gave us new life through His sacrifice. As you celebrate Christmas, take time to respond in worship, “the Word became flesh.”
As a family, open the Word to show your children how they can respond to the good news of Jesus coming. Ask your kids what they think the purpose of Christmas is. On Christmas Eve we learn the what and the how. On Christmas day help you children understand the why.
Ultimately the ‘why’ of Christmas helps answer the bigger question: why did Jesus come? Jesus came to atone for our sins. What does that mean? What did it look like? Isaiah 53 perfectly lays out why Jesus came, what it meant, and how it would look. Read these verses with your kids to help walk them through why Jesus came.
Now what? What are you going to do in your heart and with your family to remember this sacrifice? We have an example of remembrance that we as Christians do. Communion is an act of worship. As a family, consider taking communion in remembrance of Jesus’s sacrifice on our behalf. He came, to give this broken world hope and a Wonderful Counselor.
For an example of how to do communion with your family, read these verses from Luke 22. Jesus walks through this with His disciples. After Jesus ascended, the disciples continued to break bread and drink wine to remember and worship the One who is worthy of our honor and praise.
This passage is a very physical representation of how to respond in worship to the sacrifice Jesus made. Taking the time with your family to break bread and drink steers the posture of your heart towards gratitude for the blood Jesus spilled on our behalf. The importance of the season is that Jesus came on a mission to go to the cross. He came to die and defeat death for our salvation.
Take communion and remember the sacrifice Jesus made. We have received grace and we remember the promises made in Isaiah 53. The Father kept these promises, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” We are now victors over sin. We are victors in Christ Jesus and we respond daily by picking up the cross. Read the passage below to your kids to encourage them to walk in faith.
Christmas is about the celebration of Jesus, our Savior. As Steven Lawson from OnePassion Ministries said, “Jesus did not come to create a holiday. He was born to die for sinners.” What good news this is for us, that through Jesus there is no longer condemnation. Charge your family to walk in faith, we have freedom from sin in Christ Jesus! What a truly amazing gift that we get to celebrate. Take time to give thanks to the King of kings, the Prince of Peace, the author and perfecter of our faith.
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! To us a Savior has been born!