
Open Adoption

Unplanned Pregnancy: What Are The Options And How Can You Help?

Navigating an unplanned pregnancy certainly comes with its challenges. Understanding all of the options can help when making the right choice for your child.

An Image titling the name of the article in purple and white fonts. Adopting a Baby what you should know.

Adopting a Baby: What You Need to Know

The process of how to adopt a baby can be overwhelming. There are decisions to make prayerfully, organizations to vet, and many perspectives to consider. It’s approaching a new chapter much like starting a marriage– with hearts wide open, support, and education to make a strong foundation for your family’s future. I am a birth …

A family smiling with text that says "From Empty Nest To Foster Parent"

From Empty Nesters To Foster Parents

Setting up for an evening training, I looked forward to sharing the impact of foster care and adoption on the biological children in the family. As the participants entered the classroom, I was stunned at who they were. Yet, the group looked like a room full of empty nesters. Overall, I was expecting young couples …

A biracial family runs towards the camera. The words "Transracial Adoption" are on top.

Transracial Adoption

While attending a pro-life conference earlier this year, I listened to a lecture on adopting children from a different race. The two presenters were talking about a term they called “transracial adoption.” To my surprise, much of the presentation consisted of the two white women explaining, to a predominantly white audience, why it was concerning …

Ad adoptive mom poses with her two adopted children.

The Adoptive Mom Survival Guide

Being an adoptive mom is a unique journey that no one can prepare for. No one generally sees what the adoptive mom experiences.

Talking about what is RAD, child sitting alone

What is RAD?

What is RAD? Find answers about what a Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) diagnosis means.

Image of a variety of people as they are considering the options of adoption vs. abortion.

Adoption vs. Abortion: What are My Options?

It is estimated that 45% of pregnancies are unplanned, leaving many women to wonder about the facts surrounding adoption vs. abortion.

Hands of a boy ground a paper-cut family on blue background for discussing open adoption and family.

The Adoption Family: Our Open Adoption Story

Although there are reasons for a closed adoption, an open adoption, or at least semi-open, is the healthiest for all involved.

A birth mother in open vs closed adoption cares for her newborn on a changing table.

Open vs. Closed Adoption, A Birth Mom’s Advice

There isn’t a perfect adoption mold. Every case is unique and vital to consider when deciding between open adoption vs. closed adoption

An image with 2 parents and their adopted child smiling.

What Is Open Adoption?

Open adoption involves, “contact between biological and adoptive parents and sometimes between biological parents and the adopted child.”

Supporting birth mothers for Christmas, a birth mother and her birth daughter celebrating holidays

5 Ways to Support Birth Mothers This Christmas

Just as with any holiday and milestone throughout the year, birth mothers need love and support during Christmas.

adoptive family is happy for birth mother of pregnant adoptee

Adoption Triad: What is it and why should we care?

It goes beyond the adoptive family unit. Adoptees and birth parents also live this lifelong journey of adoption.