His words remind us (again) that, by His death, He rescued us from the fear of our death. Therefore we are released from having to “cower through life, scared to death of death.”
Trust in God
When we focus so much on the world’s idea of wisdom, we kill off our connection to God’s truth.
I don’t know about you, but I have never had any success trying to boss someone around while attempting to trust them simultaneously. Trying to be in control and relinquishing control at the same time just doesn’t work.
Adversity has the potential to move us closer to God if we are willing to be honest with Him during trials.
Learning how to get closer to God is a lifelong journey. For teenagers, growing closer to God depends on their personality, interests, and relationship with God.
Desperate longings can tempt us do desperate, disobedient things. Desire not submitted to Christ can make us to lose our sensibility, justify our behavior, and make excuses.
We are all tempted to believe that deadly tsunamis, bone-chilling temperatures or collapsing stock markets mean things are out of control. That is simply not true.
When we were young boys living in Australia, our dad was a concert promoter. On one particular tour he lost everything – our house, our car, our family’s life savings.
I struggled to find my identity in Christ, trying to find my identity in materialistic things of the world. I was so consumed with gaining the “perfect” group of friends that I used alcohol to cope and did things that I’m far from proud of. This ultimately led to comparing my looks and personality to …
There is a right way to look at foster to adopt and a wrong way.