A Hope Restored Marriage Intensive is just the beginning of healing your relationship. In order to sustain any progress from the Intensive, it’s important for couples to seek the help of a professional counselor.
Marital Communication
A simple way to keep your marriage fresh and fun — take every opportunity to share laughter-filled moments with your spouse.
An emotional word picture is a tool that simultaneously activates the emotions and intellect of the listener. When you use a word picture to communicate, it can go straight into your spouse’s heart.
Running a business, just like marriage, requires humility, wisdom, and compromise. Here some key principles to guide you if you and your spouse run a small business together.
Here are five ways you can form a deeper connection with your spouse and God.
Autism support usually focuses on children, but autistic adults need support too. Here’s what you need to know about autism in marriage.
Sometimes, when we meet our spouses, our differences attract us to one another. But then those differences can be frustrating once we’re married. If you’re finding that’s the case in your relationship, here are five strategies that might help.
Household chores can be a point of contention in marriage. To avoid this conflict, couples should focus their energy on out-serving each other.
There are five basic love languages — five ways to express love emotionally. Here’s an overview of each and how each type expresses and feels love. Which one applies to your spouse?
Learning to communicate with your spouse in a productive way takes time and sacrifice. Here are some tips to communicate with your less communicative or overly communicative spouse.