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Jill Savage

Jill Savage is an international speaker and author of 14 parenting books including No More Perfect Moms, No More Perfect Kids and No More Perfect Marriages.

A woman perfectly tidies a vase of flowers in an immaculate living room. Perfectionism in Marriage isn't healthy for us or our relationships.

Perfectionism in Marriage Isn’t the Point

Perfectionism can take its toll on marriage. To release yourself and your spouse from the pressure to be perfect, fall back on the grace of God.

The power of a mother's love shows as this mother snuggles nose to nose with her newborn

The Power of a Mother’s Love

A mother’s love needs to be given unconditionally to establish trust and a firm foundation of emotional intimacy in a child’s life.

young girl texting her friend while laying on her bed

4 Truths in a Culture of Lies

Teens need these spiritual insights from their parents, now more than ever.

Mother and son lovingly touching foreheads, nurturing gratitude.

Nurturing Gratitude in Your Child’s Heart

Nurturing gratitude doesn’t always come easy. It’s an intentional part of parenting, and an important trait every family can cultivate.

Reading teen's body language, is tricky like this young woman staring out of the window.

Understanding Your Teen’s Attitude and Body Language

Our teens are quickly growing into the adults they will become. Help them respond respectfully, not emotionally.

Communication - husband and wife holding hands through broken brick wall, looking at each other in the eyes.

Conversation 2.0

Improve communication by dismantling defensiveness in your marriage

bonding with grandkids

How to Bond With Your Grandkids

Most grandparents want to be an asset to their grandchildren — provide a listening ear, welcome heart and safe place for kids to emotionally land. But how does one do this?

Not Enough Time in the Day?

Sometimes it feels like there’s not enough of us to go around because parenting is nonstop. Use these strategies to go from restless to resting in God’s peace as a parent.

Healing from Infidelity: How to Rekindle Intimacy and Connection in Your Marriage

It’s hard work to rebuild trust and intimacy after the betrayal of infidelity, but when both partners are willing to do the work, it’s worth it.

Misreading Your Spouse - Illustration of a couple looking at different shadows of themselves.

Misreading Your Spouse

How false assumptions may be hurting your marriage


Laughing Together, Having Fun Helps Healing Process

Enjoying life and laughing together again as a couple is important after experiencing a hard season together. Here’s how to have fun again.

Is Your Teen Depressed?

I knew my daughter was struggling emotionally, but I had no idea about the extent of her depression.

Rethinking Christmas Wish Lists

Help your teen move from receiving to giving — using these six simple strategies.

Letting Go of Holiday Expectations

Sometimes the best way to celebrate Thanksgiving isn’t the traditional way. Learn how to let go our your holiday expectations

Promotional image for Focus on the Family broadcast "Living a Full Life With an Empty Nest"

Living a Full Life With an Empty Nest

Jill Savage offers encouragement and insight to parents facing the challenges that come with reorienting their lives after their children leave home.

Healthier Habits - Loving African American husband kissing his wife on the cheek

7 Healthy Habits That Will Improve Your Marriage

Boot these bad habits for better communication

questions that guide your teen's decisions

5 Questions That Guide Your Teen’s Decisions

Teens have one foot in adolescence and the other foot in adulthood. They’re learning to make big decisions on their own, yet still require accountability and a compass that guides them in the right direction.

Shown from behind, couple holding hands splashing water as they run along the beach at sunrise

Healthy Individuals Create Healthy Marriages

Because the health of marriage is ultimately determined by individual health, we need to be diligent about emotional, mental, physical and spiritual fitness.

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Letting Go of “Perfect”

In a message based on her book No More Perfect Moms: Learn to Love Your Real Life, Jill Savage encourages moms to find relief from performance anxiety by allowing themselves, and their loved ones, the freedom to make mistakes.

Weigh Your Words

When we control our tongues, we can build a healthy, nurturing marriage. Exercising self-control in the little things may even help strengthen us to overcome temptation in the bigger things.

Do Your Kids Feel Valued?

Sometimes children feel like projects their parents are trying to finish or problems they’re trying to solve. If your kids feel this way, here’s how you can turn that around.

perfect mothers day

The ‘Perfect’ Mother’s Day

As you sort through your unmet expectations on Mother’s Day, realize that you may play a part in fueling your disappointments.

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Loving Your Kids for Who They Are (Part 3 of 3)

Author Jill Savage and educational psychologist Dr. Kathy Koch explain why parents should avoid pushing perfection on their kids, and instead maintain realistic expectations and love them unconditionally. (Part 3 of 3)

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Loving Your Kids for Who They Are (Part 2 of 3)

Author Jill Savage and educational psychologist Dr. Kathy Koch explain why parents should avoid pushing perfection on their kids, and instead maintain realistic expectations and love them unconditionally. (Part 2 of 3)

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Loving Your Kids for Who They Are (Part 1 of 3)

Author Jill Savage and educational psychologist Dr. Kathy Koch explain why parents should avoid pushing perfection on their kids, and instead maintain realistic expectations and love them unconditionally. (Part 1 of 3)

Is There Sex After Kids

Mark and Jill Savage’s commitment to relational growth required them to find creative solutions to their differing sexual needs. And they discovered how to be both parents and lovers.

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Making Your Home Safe and Healthy

Author Jill Savage offers some practical ideas for how parents can make their family’s home a safer and healthier place for their children.

Homemaking Mother with her baby in a carrier making dinner

The Art of Homemaking

Homemaking is majoring in family relationships.

Being Available for Your Kids

Children need Mom to be available for them.

Taking Care of Yourself

We need to take care of ourselves so that we can take care of our family.

A mom sitting on a couch, either comforting or cuddling with her young son who’s got his face buried in her lap

The Value of Stay-at-Home Moms

Stay-at-home moms create an environment where bonding takes place and children learn to attach to relationships.