
Timothy Keller

Timothy Keller was the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, with his wife, Kathy, and their three sons. He was also the chairman of Redeemer City to City, which plants new churches in New York and other cities around the world and publishes resources for faith in an urban culture. Timothy was a New York Times best-selling author whose books include The Reason for God, The Prodigal God and Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy With God. Timothy went home to be with the Lord on May 19, 2023, after making a tremendous impact for the kingdom of God. Learn more about Timothy by visiting his website,

A young married couple gaze longingly at each other in a field with some trees in the background. The newlywed wife holds her husband's right hand, as he lovingly strokes here hair. Can romantic love be reconciled with unconditional commitment in marriage? Yes. Covenantal commitment helps romantic love fulfill itself.

Living Out ‘I Do’: Keeping Love and Commitment in Marriage

It is the covenantal commitment that enables married people to become people who love each other. Only with time do we really learn who the other person is and come to love the person for him- or herself.

The Image of God by Tim Keller - Header Image

Tim Keller on the Image of God

We do justice when we give all human beings their due as creations of God.

Illustration of a child in the embrace of his mother

God’s Call to Mary and to Us

There’s a lot we can learn about the way a young Jewish girl responded to God

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Discovering God in the Midst of Pain and Suffering (Part 2 of 2)

Pastor Timothy Keller offers some perspective and hope for those times in life when trouble and hardship cause us to question our faith in God. (Part 2 of 2) Listen to Part 1

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Discovering God in the Midst of Pain and Suffering (Part 1 of 2)

Pastor Timothy Keller offers some perspective and hope for those times in life when trouble and hardship cause us to question our faith in God. (Part 1 of 2) Listen to Part 2

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Addressing Skeptics, Sharing Christ (Part 2 of 2)

In a discussion centered on his book Making Sense of God, Dr. Timothy Keller explains why people walk away from God, why secularists want scientific rationale, and why this fails, as our search for meaning, happiness and identity goes unsatisfied without seeking God in the process. Dr. Keller also discusses how, as followers of Christ, we need to understand what we believe, why we believe it and why it’s critical that we communicate that to nonbelievers in a winsome way. (Part 2 of 2)

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Addressing Skeptics, Sharing Christ (Part 1 of 2)

In a discussion centered on his book Making Sense of God, Dr. Timothy Keller explains why people walk away from God, why secularists want scientific rationale, and why this fails, as our search for meaning, happiness and identity goes unsatisfied without seeking God in the process. Dr. Keller also discusses how, as followers of Christ, we need to understand what we believe, why we believe it and why it’s critical that we communicate that to nonbelievers in a winsome way. (Part 1 of 2)

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Connecting Spiritually With Your Spouse Through the Psalms (Part 2 of 2)

Dr. Timothy and Mrs. Kathy Keller discuss the benefits of studying the biblical psalms as a couple, offering practical suggestions on how a husband and wife can strengthen their relationship through their approach to devotions, prayer and God. (Part 2 of 2)

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Connecting Spiritually With Your Spouse Through the Psalms (Part 1 of 2)

Dr. Timothy and Mrs. Kathy Keller discuss the benefits of studying the biblical psalms as a couple, offering practical suggestions on how a husband and wife can strengthen their relationship through their approach to devotions, prayer and God. (Part 1 of 2)

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God’s Blueprint for a Healthy Marriage (Part 3 of 3)

Dr. Timothy Keller and his wife, Kathy, describe their personal marriage journey and how a biblically-rooted understanding of God’s design for marriage transcends that of both ancient and modern cultures. (Part 3 of 3) Listen to Part 1 Listen to Part 2

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God’s Blueprint for a Healthy Marriage (Part 2 of 3)

Dr. Timothy Keller and his wife, Kathy, describe their personal marriage journey and how a biblically-rooted understanding of God’s design for marriage transcends that of both ancient and modern cultures. (Part 2 of 3) Listen to Part 1 Listen to Part 3

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God’s Blueprint for a Healthy Marriage (Part 1 of 3)

Dr. Timothy Keller and his wife, Kathy, describe their personal marriage journey and how a biblically-rooted understanding of God’s design for marriage transcends that of both ancient and modern cultures. (Part 1 of 3) Listen to Part 2 Listen to Part 3