

An image depicting mother and teenage daughter sitting closely together on a couch.

How to Know if Your Child is Depressed or Suicidal

Having child who is depressed or suicidal is the frightening reality of too many parents today. However, there is hope in Christ, and preventive steps you can take to help a child you care about.

A photo of a couple in the background on a couch, holding hands lovingly. In the foreground, a professional marriage counselor takes notes on a notepad. The following considerations may help in locating a professional counselor and making the most of marriage counseling.

Making the Most of Marriage Counseling

A Hope Restored Marriage Intensive is just the beginning of healing your relationship. In order to sustain any progress from the Intensive, it’s important for couples to seek the help of a professional counselor.

A man has removed his wedding ring, holding it up with one hand and covering his face with the other. His spouse was abusive and he has lost her by setting boundaries for his own safety. He wrestles with guilt over if he did the right thing.

Wrestling with Guilt when Drawing Boundaries with an Abusive Spouse

When dealing with an abusive spouse, you need to be bold, take action, and draw clear boundaries for your own safety. God loves you. And He hates the abuse you endure.

Should I Stay in My Abusive Marriage for the Kids?

Abusive marriages like Emma’s are more common than many realize. God’s plan for a family never included abuse.

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The Pastor’s Essential Library: Putting Your Past in Its Place: Moving Forward in Freedom and Forgiveness

Lives grind to a halt when people don’t know how to relate to their past. Stephen Viars introduces a third way to view one’s personal history—by exploring the role of the past as God intended.

Healing the Hurt of past abortion image of woman walking

Healing the Hurt of a Past Abortion

A lot of women feel hopeless about ever resolving the pain connected with their abortion. But healing is possible.

a post-abortive woman

Why Do I Still Hurt After Post-Abortive Healing?

Healing is a beautiful lifelong journey we embark on with God, and in some circumstances, it requires us to be willing to say “yes” to surrendering it.